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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. I guess to follow up on your question, if i have a large boot drive, can i do anything with it?
  2. Im closer to 4000 so im worried it might take over a month to get to me
  3. This would be nice
  4. it seems like you can remove a server from your account and migrate the license to another server.
  5. On a side note it would be nice if we could name the licenses so if we have multiple it is easier to keep track of.
  6. its not that its insanely loud, but im get annoyed very easily by constant sound. Example being I got rid of every clock that ticks in my home because they drove me nuts.
  7. oof im late 3000s safe to say im not going to be in the earlier groups
  8. As a more casual user, i use my nas more for archival and don't need any of my files in speeds faster than wifi can provide. I had no issues playing back a 2 hour 60gb movie via jellyfin using wifi so i am more than content. I want wifi because it lets me stick the super loud machine in a corner far away from anyone that can hear those damn exos drives i have. I don't have networking infrastructure in that corner and its a lot of effort running cabling in an approved (by family) manner in a rented home.
  9. this is all i want and its more than good enough for a jellyfin server
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