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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. yeah your 12600 is more than good enough for plex/jellyfin along with the rest of the thigns you mentioned and you don't need a Dgpu for those tasks as the Igpu in the 12600 is plenty adequate
  2. Mobius


    had no idea it had addons let alone so many of them
  3. this alone will make the hexos worth it over truenas for me, with all the other QoL stuff being the cherry on top.
  4. defintely their own section in the forum. However a shoutout with an article would not be something i'm opposed to. One of the sites i used to frequent gave out a giftcard every month to someone that made a new quality tutorial they liked. I'm not saying monetary rewards are required but i think even a monthly achievement being given out to someone would greatly incentivize making tutorials
  5. Limited access sub users would be nice feature to add down the road. I been spending too much time on these forums and i think this is the first time i've seen it brought up. I don't think the team has made any comments on it
  6. Those are defintely things many of us have expressed wanting. I'm hopeful the Hexos team knows and are working on it for us.
  7. I think you can do this with nextcloud but you would need to do some extra effort to make it work. check out this reddit post with some more information
  8. You would be able to access your files via smb not ftp. Top level folders would not be able to be deleted from smb but will be able to be deleted in hexos ui. You can delete photos folder if you so felt like it. I imagine once 1.0 rolls out it would not cause any issues but beta hexos likes to freak out when thigns are different from what it expects. I can't say for certain it will or won't freak out without trying it tho.
  9. wow what a weird little drive. It has a sata data port on it but no sata power port. I wonder if sata data carries a bit of power too?
  10. My old drives are still in my das. I was really hoping to just plug my das into my server for extra storage for less important things. Fingers crossed it'll work
  11. I completely agree they are really fun when they work, i drove around a friend's HI5 and the instant torque was a lot of fun
  12. I can't see myself ever purchasing a hyundai/kia. They make cars with great specs for the price but i don't trust them to make a lasting car. They sold cars with the notorious theta 2 for years and needed to have a class action lawsuit filed against them for warranties to start being honored. friend of mine had his engine blow up at 49k miles and he babied that car. credit where it is due after 2 months or so he got either a new or refub engine for free after about 2 months under warranty. i hope things work out for you because being without a new car for so long no doubt has to be super frustrating
  13. i have a mesh router at home that is hard wired but it might be time for me to get another node that won't be wired. but rather using wireless backhaul. maybe that will work better than a cheap extender. Wifi support would have been a game changer for me. leaving the server in a corner far away from everyone so it doesn't make noise that bothers anyone would have been fantastic that is most ideal
  14. If i see them i'll for sure try to add them to this thread
  15. There are some great tutorials already Like this or this It would be great if there was a dedicated tutorial section so these don't get hidden. No doubt more tutorials are gonna be incoming as more of us use hexos so itll be great if there is a dedicated spot for them
  16. single drive pools is a feature that will eventually be supported. Jonp is very aware of our frustration.
  17. pool migration is defintely on the roadmap but i don't know if the team confirmed its coming with 1.0
  18. quick sync from the a310 will be a great help for sure
  19. i might be missing something but truenas/hexos does not support wifi. a wifi extender with ethernet port can be used but its no where near an ideal scenario. I compared an extender that was 5ft from my router to hardwire and it was twice as slow to upload to the server and 5x slower to download from the server ive seen a lot of ppl mention ideally you have at least 1gb of ram for 1tb of storage. Truenas/hexos uses the ram as a read cache so the more ram you have the snappier it'll feel
  20. one thing to keep in mind is that installing hexos without a gpu for video out will likely be annoying. sticking a gpu into the machine just for the install would be the easiest solution if you had one lying around or in a system you can take out of.
  21. As long as we can migrate any pool we have it shouldn't be a big deal however it'll be a super pain in the ass if we can't and have to delete everything. For the longest time i was trying to figure out how to move my data to a new server without buying new drives. My solution was just to bite the bullet and get more drives which is kinda painful at 5 x 14tb
  22. I think for now everyone is under the assumption that it will update on top of current installation but like you said it is a beta a things might change
  23. As of now there is no way to migrate pools from truenas but its defintely been something a lot of people have been interested in so itll likely eventually come
  24. My bad, i just assumed the first thing in my history for aoostar would be the n100 😅
  25. to think even mods could get rate limited
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