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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. When doing things with 1 license you would have to mostly do stuff on truenas for the side without a license. That said at this time HexOS does not support importing of existing pools. So you cannot make a temp boot drive and later replace it with a different one. Importing pools is a feature that will eventually be supported. It might be possible if you clone your temp boot drive on to your permanent boot drive but I've heard some users not be able to get it to work Hexos is pretty good with hardware changes that is not the boot drive
  2. you're welcome, glad i could help
  3. Yes it is supported I believe your system should have no issues running a single vm but adding some more ram would no hurt. at this moment hexos requires a minimum of 2 drives per pool but in a future update single drive pools will be supported. i don't know how long itll take for support to arrive but waiting for support is your most cost effective option personally i always advocate for fewer but larger drives to save on power costs (it really adds up) but doing your 2 pool method will be more cost effective This is an issue a lot of us have. The easiest solution is having 2 machines. If you have another windows machine i would just plug the drives into that and transfer the data over one step at a time The other solution is renting cloud storage for a month but for that amount of storage, not only is it expensive but itll take a long time uploading and downloading the data. the arr stack has a backup function but i can't attest to how well it works myself. also not sure how well plex migration works but they have a support page for it https://support.plex.tv/articles/201370363-move-an-install-to-another-system/ Make sure any drives you plan to use with hexos are not smr drives. CMR drives are more ideal.
  4. try this sometimes you just need to wipe the drive in truenas
  5. Hexos is indeed your os but you also have the option to have your main OS be proxmox with a hexos vm inside of it. proxmox is an os that in general works better with vms. I do hope for a day everyone has a microcenter accessible to them.
  6. for anyone that is looking into it i believe the post in question is this one which was meant to go into this topic Jpadgett did repost the comment in the correct topic
  7. I would probably swap out the case for a cheaper one like the cooler Master n400 or their qube 500 and then either pocket the savings or use it for more RAM. Also consider spending a $5 more on a thermalright peerless assassin 120 se since it's a better performing and quieter cooler. The off chance you live near a microcenter they have a $400 12900k + mobo + 32gb ram bundle or a $280 12700k bundle but with only 16gb ram
  8. Intel 13&14th gen are trash that still have reports of instability. Intel keeps saying they fixed it but i wouldn't risk it. You either go 12th gen and older or skip to the ultra 200s I would go as low as the 12500 since it uses the same igpu as the 14900k. Keep in mind that you would be better off making sure that the client side doesn't need transcoding imo Go with a smaller, cheaper boot drive since hexos uses less than 16gb of data and you cannot access the rest of the unused storage. Minimum 2 drives mirrorred is required for a storage pool at this time. However if you make a 3 drive storage pool, the ability to expand your pool later with more drives gets enabled.
  9. wow never thought i would ever get a shout out on LTT. Thanks @jonp
  10. at this time hexos does not support pool migration. support will likely come in a later update.
  11. i imagine pool migration will be a feature that will eventually come to hexos
  12. this is the correct way to do kickstarter, its always frustrating to see when kickstarters are left unfulfilled while the product is selling and shipping to normal buyers
  13. I completely get the struggle. I've also spent more time than i would like to admit troubleshooting vms
  14. since you wanna use vms and you got time to tinker, take a look into proxmox adding a ssd shouldn't help transfer speeds afaik. to the best of my understanding how truenas/hexos works is transfers go to your ram first then to your hdd, bottle necked by the hard drive speed. if you add a slog ssd it would go ram -> to both slog drive and hdd but unfortunately it is still bottle necked by the hard drive. slog drives only copies whats still on the ram. This is mostly for in case of power loss nothing on the ram is lost.
  15. username: truenas_admin password: whatever you put in when you installed hexos
  16. i didn't back it but i think its pretty darn cool if i ever have a server closet i would defintely consider getting it
  17. At least for the NIC you picked it should be fine but since it sounds like you'll be having a ssd pool you should consider a 5 or 10gb nic
  18. they aren't silly questions high ram usage is expected and normal Ram also known as arc is used for a read cache and a tiny write cache. for read cache it takes your most frequently accessed files and keeps a copy on the ram so next time you need it you can access it faster.
  19. i think freaking out is only limited to single drive pools since others were able to use the deck as normal when their z1 pools failed. But in a future update this shouldn't be an issue for single drive pools either
  20. yeah as of today a lot of what you want would have to be done through the truenas interface but fingers crossed after a few updates we can do more a lot easier
  21. that does sound like itd be real sweltering
  22. yes with the server turned off, log into deck it should give you the option to disconnect server Once you disconnect your old server, you can claim your new server using the same license
  23. heat output has never really been a thing i've considered but ive been hearing from other about it a lot these days. Guess modern pc components being so power hungry also generate way too much heat.
  24. Looks like a pretty solid build
  25. wow asus is really making some compelling routers. i'm pretty frustrated with my nest wifi pro for only have 2 ethernet ports on each node so that having 4 sounds great.
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