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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. gosh i seriously hate the short edit timeouts for this site but back to your needs im sure if we cut back on couple things we can likely fit a jonsbo n5 in your budget, which will fit even more drives and honestly from my experience the lasting power of a nas is directly correlated with how much more storage i can jam into it lol. But also you will not be limited to the more expensive and less feature rich M itx motherboard so you will likely have access to 4 ram slots (up from 2) multiple pcie slots (up from 1)
  2. i forgot to mention that the jonsbo n3 only supports mini itx motherboards and you will very much not find one with 2 pcie slots.
  3. Depending on what you are using the server for i would actually recommend intel. If running a plex/jellyfin server is important to you, you cannot underestimate the value having a cpu that supports intel quick sync will add. That said if it is of no important yeah def go amd. i know you said you dont want older gen hardware but you can't really go wrong with intel 12th gen, if that is too old there is the new intel core ultra 200 chips with cheaper non k skus coming out soon. (just make sure to skip intel 13th and 14th gen) absolutely correct, do not ever deal with usb storage If you tell me what country you are based in, i can check local prices and help you pick a parts list I just want to double check if you mean encoding a video like after video editing or transcoding a video so that you can play it on a device that does not support the original format. video encoding def can benefit from a dedicated gpu but transcoding is very solid on an intel cpu without any dedicated gpu solid case you really don't need to worry about old hardware since even something a few generations old will defintely be kicking for at least a decade without issues thats a good start for ram, try to keep in mind the 2 rules of thumb for ram more is always better You want 1gb of ram for every tb of storage just make sure it is a sfx powersupply that has a length under 105mm for your chosen case I say just get the smallest ssd you can find that is at least 32gb since hexos does not use the boot drive for anything else. for me it felt kinda wasteful not buying a 1tb ssd for 50-60 but in all honesty spending more than you have to for storage you can't use is more wasteful I ended up repurposing an old 128gb ssd Like psychowards said you can always add more sata slots via an hba later but if you plan to do that you want at least 2 pcie slots that wont interfere with each other physically (if u still plan to add a gpu down to road, ignore this if i convinced you not to bother with a dgpu ๐Ÿ˜‚) I would not spend a large premium for a board with 8 built in sata ports but i would pay a small premium for it just not to deal with hba since that is also an added expense. You will want a motherboard that does not use a realtek nic (network interface card) this link has information on motherboard specs like number of sata ports or what kind of nic is used on the front page there is a link to a spreadsheet for a similar one but for intel core 200 motherboards if you decide to go that route I personally think the later gen am4 (g variants) would still kinda be overkill. 100% would skip the non g variants for am4 since they do not have integrated gpus. almost all the am5 cpus have igpus (except for the f variants which i would very much skip) One of the reasons why i put so much emphasis on igpu is that it will save you so much money in the long run in electricity costs. An idle gpu does not use a negligible amount of electricity.
  4. That cpu most defintely has an iGPU As for ram speed it really is not a big deal honestly as even ddr3 is within spec. On top of that the user can like he said upgrade if he wants to. the case he picked the jonsbo n3 only supports sfx psus not psus of the atx size like you rec'd
  5. I post here a bit too often and some shortcuts would seriously make my life easier. if i could type in the text box things like below !wiki to get the tutorials link !usb to get this why not to use usb storage !start here for the link to start here page !workarounds for the link to the work arounds page It would make giving support easier. I imagine if possible it would just be easiest if each user could just setup their own shortcuts so the hexos forms team doesnt have to deal with updating it.
  6. Its been a lil while since the beta fully opened up to everyone that has bought a license, i think it would be a great idea for us to look back and point out what we would do differently for our builds. For me the big thing would be to have waited for beta 2 or full release since right now there isn't enough i can/want to do. But that aside i never thought about looking into nic compatibility so i would defintely have picked a motherboard WITHOUT a realtek nic. I would also just fished for the other 2 14tb drives i had somewhere in storage instead of being lazy and making a mixed pool of 3x14tb + 2x16tb drives. I guess another minor thing would have just been not to bother spending the extra $5 on rgb ram if i was just gonna have to jump through hoops to turn off the rgb. (i bought it in hopes of increased resale value if i ever decide to part out this system)
  7. Mobius

    HEXOS gui

    Yes a local hexos ui is planned as part of the 1.0 rollout
  8. Proxmox is built for the sole purpose of running vms efficiently. So it'll likely run smoother using less resources than hexos But i don't use it myself so this this all hearsay I'm also not familiar enough with it to tell you if your cpu is strong enough for certain but my gut feeling is that ubuntu +Windows at the same time might be tough for your cpu since it's a quad core that's over a decade old.
  9. if you are gonna be running multiple vms you may want to look into proxmox. From inside proxmox you can probably host 3 vms meeting your needs (Windows, ubuntu and HexOS)
  10. Mobius


    It holiday / new years time so things are probably pushed back a bit. That said im sure you have nothing to worry about since they will likely allow you to get your refund since you requested it within the 30 days even if they refund you after the 30 days.
  11. My network is probably gonna be so congested that week i try to move the files. I might wait for the family to go vacation
  12. this is actually great to know, here i was planning on just copy pasting and praying for the best
  13. Guess it's just my good ol' MURICAN mentality to not think about catering to the rest of the world until it's pointed out.
  14. i think if you use an external enclosure with multiple hdds only one will show up. But in general it is not recommended to use usb external storage feel free to read more hear https://forums.truenas.com/t/why-you-should-avoid-usb-attached-drives-for-data-pool-disks/1499
  15. I think anyone that is willing to drop $300 on an operating system is probably willing to spend $20 on RAM, maybe even less if you salvage old parts.
  16. ive also heard that self hosted email servers even have to potential to hurt you. Imagine you apply to a new job and when they email you back, the email bounces. You just lost that opportunity
  17. And Merry ChristNAS to you too
  18. i think the solution for your problem is currently in truenas. instead of making a large pool with 24 drives you probably want to make multiple vdevs instead it would be kinda like this picture here where the blue drives are parity and the grey drives are storage. so if any drive fails in a group of 5 you only need to resilver the smaller group of 5 instead of a gigantic group of 20. but to my undrstanding they show up as one big storage pool. That said i would assume hexos would not play nice with vdevs just yet kinda like how they don't play nice with pools of different size drives or single drive pools made in truenas. however it does not hurt to try
  19. I thought it was common practice to just assume it is USD if the website is a .com and assume CAD if the website is a .ca
  20. if you go to store and then click store again it shows as $199 As far as im aware we were told that the price will go up to the full $299 price once HexOS leaves beta
  21. I would have liked a trial as well since I think it would reduce friction. That said the team told us their stance is we offer 30-day refunds. It's not ideal but it's better than nothing
  22. A lot of users using free/recycled components have to deal with that. I wasn't lucky enough to have access to such a resource so i made my system from scratch. I did wayyyyy too much research on my components before purchasing and even then had some compatibility issues with something i didn't think of accounting for (my nic)
  23. I've read many anecdotes online of ppl saying you won't notice RAM speed unless you are using a 10gb+ nic Server PSU tend to be LOUD so it's only worth it if you have a sound isolated location with Ethernet access available to you. The 2.5" bays are more annoying to use. Majority 2.5" hdds are smr drives that don't play nice with the zfs that hexos/truenas uses. There are some 1tb or smaller hdds that are cmr but they are harder to find. The easiest use for those bays are for 2.5" sata ssds but those are expensive. For the price it'll be hard to better but you'll likely pay for it In the long run with electricity costs.
  24. I hear lsi cards are where it's at
  25. I vaguely recall reading that someone had success after changing the ports using truenas ui
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