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Everything posted by ubergeek

  1. i plan to do a write up once I get home and swap over hardware to the new case
  2. I'm not totally surprised these drives i have are Old and were the cheapest i could get on ebay. But it is good to know after stressing 10tb that I do have some dying drives and I get notices
  3. Im torn between plex and jellyfin, I do know i will be using my hacked p100 nvidia "mining card " for encoding . it has worked well in the past
  4. Failing drive notifications work lol
  5. well knowing it can be recovered in Truenas + the source of the backup has me covered
  6. My current solution is 2x 12tb in software raid in another box. and if all takes a poop im not worried, it would just be a PITA to bring things back from usb drives and add in the data from the 12tb . Also wanna note that im not scared of the "experimental state "of hex. I know I can scrap that OS build and bring it back to freenas and let it take back over the cluster without any issues.
  7. I want to do this but I also dont want to tear up my storage so it all just stays on disks
  8. I was going to use roadkill back up program to verify everything once it was loaded, but ill have to look into new programs
  9. Ill have to look into this, I usually dont have to worry about it- but i am moving files from 2x 12tb drives to the NAS/ Only plan to do it once now that everything is in order. I have been case modding since 2000. 3d Printers just make things easier, I use to have to do it in all metal and bend cut and make everything
  10. Nothing crashed, it just paused so I had to click try again and it resumed. it just sucks that It should of moved 10tb by now but I have a week left before I get home so plenty of time. And it is a 15x 3.5 and i should have it all filled with some more inside once I 3d print some holders for inside the case
  11. The new hand me down
  12. ubergeek

    The Vault

    bro got that bigg e-peen flex here, great looking setup
  13. Im not posting my access control pictures, I only have like 3 fresh installs under my belt and thoes look okish but the rest at work are trainwrecks waiting to be fixed in due time
  14. I went from truenas to hex "At Home" because it seemed like it will be easier for myself and when I have clients that need a better than Box store NAS solutions. I run Truenas at work on a large scale, I know it well and have no issues getting it to work . There are a few things users that will be coming in to this realm that will be a bit of a learning curve until there is updates and feature implements that will seem a bit odd. Truenas as it stands is geared for the more advanced Tech / I.T. ppeople. but if someone wanted to deep dive and read / watch plenty of videos on the subject it can be easier to run and setup.
  15. @Dylan So went on a road trip, forgot about the transfer, it got hung up. So I am now letting it start again lol Also picked up a case from a friend that built his Nas 15 years ago and has now swapped to a Rackmount and Jbod so now I have a proper case and will most likely be redoing all my hardware once i get home. Damn this hobby
  16. I will do, I know once i start the big transfer it will cap out at 1gb, I wish i could team the cards together but so far I seem to be capping out 1gbps with a few things moving data at once.
  17. @Dylan Slow and stedy, Im moving alot of stuff from usb 1 &2 devicesn then ill be moving about 12tb from my workstation
  18. Once upon a life I had a 8 driving 32 in the mobile so I understand lol
  19. I will be playing with my new toys remote, I have plenty of seat time ahead of me. The plus side is I will be in a new area with better tech deals than where I live so might come back with things to play with
  20. Just starting to move larger sets of data, it seems like its only using 1 of the 3 nics I have installed but it will get there
  21. I know on our pages we advise people about scams and best practice on how to avoid them. With that said there is no 100% fool proof way, the best way is to only use money exchanges that have buyer protection paypal ect. Anyone that makes deals outside of that is at your own risk
  22. At the moment I am using just the chrome app on my phone and logging into Hex, I have yet to have any issues. The current way the OS can be pointed threw from the deck works great. My issue with Freenas was there was to much going on for the phone but using dex made that easier
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