So a bit if a update, I have been fighting this all week, I isolates the dead drive in truenas , stopped and outted the drive . allowed the system to resilver then put in a new drive to make a hot spare and everything was running smooth. The next day is when all the goofy stuff was going on with the deck so I cam home and started making back ups for truenas ect. went to bed and everything was working well. While at work the following day I started getting notifications from Up time robot telling me that the links going to my hexos was down . Logged into the deck and server not online. After some trouble shooting I had found that I no longer had tailscale access nor could i ping it from any internal computer. Got home and got into the truenas interface and rebooted the server. Once I gained UI access it showed it was trying to resilver the pool again, not thinking about I let it ride out. Well it was stuck at 18% silvering for 2 days so I started to try and delete the array and start over "just move all my data back." AND now I am at a point where im just going to rebuild the OS and all because the only access that I have is Truenas interface