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Everything posted by ubergeek

  1. I had to set the list of ip like this to get mine to work
  2. all of my drives are burned in. They are all well used lol
  3. I have done it in working environment and it lasted a week then we moved to a ssd. Mainly it was Really slow to respond, it was a good usb3 media in a usb3 port
  4. Man thats a nice setup
  5. I could say you could find a used dell / hp /lenovo surplus pc and add a pair of drives for a good start. I would stay with 4th gen intel or newer would put you in the right range. Hdds might be a hard one to manage at this price point but a pair of 2tb or 3tb might be able to be found to stay in budget
  6. I am use to running more than 1 thing out of a box, In that list i put a 12gb 3060 and this can be used for plex, Home AI Vm's ect. I personally have not had good experiences using Igpu's in a virtual environment "ie Proxmox" ,
  7. So if i was going to build a New Nas This list of parts is where I would start Then I would add LSI SAS CARD but the case is a bit tricky if you wanted large storage pools, The Case is a bit of an oddity - the ones that I would choose are are from ALi Express and could be a bit tricky getting shipped in with out damage.
  8. What is your budget ? I can make a recommendation if I knew where to keep it money wise and what your plans were, " just a NAS, Running VM's / Docker, ect" I have an idea in my head where I would go but LMK what holes I need to help fill.
  9. So I have created a second NAS and have started making videos , So keep your eyes on the guide
  10. Closer than me in Louisiana hahahah
  11. for nvidia youll need to add it from command line there is a guide HERE
  12. You're a mad man
  13. -1 just because you are close to free geek 🤣
  14. I wished i lived in a more tech friendly area. I snag hella deals everytime im in St Lewis and KC but at home these dudes are asking way to much for old old gear
  15. Im a bamboo snob, must came from all the years of fighting my ender3
  16. ATM there is no set date that the devs have put into place.
  17. I also wanna point out that the first system you have posted has a lack luster motherboard, aka you wont have much room to upgrade down the line, only add a gup if needed or add a hba card to add more drives. Both will have more than enough power to accomplish more than the basic tasks in hexso . Also when it comes to the boot drive I see you are using a 1tb , this will work but will have alot of unused space just fyi a 128 or 256 will be more than plenty for this build.
  18. So since HexOs has started I have swapped hardware many times upgrading my system along the way without loosing anything. This includes Motherboard/cpu , HBA, Videocards ect. The one thing that would limit you from what i read on another post is compatibility with the new parts. But if you keep in mind when you set up a new motherboard youll need to make sure its on non secure boot, and if you go from a cpu with onboard graphics to a computer with out youll need to fill these compatibility issues. SO in the short answer you can swap hardware if needed ,
  19. I run mikrotik at home. It has a single 10gsfp that branches into my main switch. They do the job for the price and if you don't mind learning their small quarks it's not a half bad choice
  20. really it wouldn't allow me to use my 8tb in my all 4tb array
  21. have you tried THIS GUIDE?
  22. So for ZFS to work properly they have to be the same sized drives, Yes in theory a 12tb can fit in to a 16 yet the extra space will throw off the pool. At the current time drives of different sizes will not work together. Inside of truenas Ui you can force them to work with all 3 together but it will do some fighting and fussing , yet in the same time it will cause issues inside the HexOs Ui . Keep tuned in as updates come out and see if this is something that might be addressed. For the time being I would just run the 12tb in a pool if you are trying to get things going .
  23. Yeah That will defiantly work, Thats what is great about this style of setup is you dont need the best of the best to keep data safe. The only pointer I would add is to get the case elevated off the ground because it looks like its near that sump point .
  24. Thats gonna be a slick build.
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