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Everything posted by ubergeek

  1. @jonp
  2. If you like to tinker and build things it is a fun past time, I have rather enjoyed my self in all the little projects that can be found
  3. @Erik Andersen I see you Flexing on us , good looking setup you have there
  4. ubergeek


    Me right now trying to get some of my LoRa projects
  5. I would help Mod it lol couldn't be any worse than the Ham radio groups I Mod
  6. Uhf/Vhf can be dead in some areas. I am mostly on HF you can find a topic of conversation on the lower bands. But I do recommend that if the area is dead reach out to the repeater owners and suggest running a NEt to bring it back to life. you can easily find a list of hams in your area and make a mailing list to say that a net is coming back to the area and it would be nice if they could join
  7. I would ask for Calls but im not trying to get DOxxed lol 5 call here
  8. ahh depends , I was still running a full setup while i lived in one, just have to get creative on how you build antennas, I was lazy and ran Ham Sticks and wire ground plane
  9. I was going to ask about a official BST
  10. Have you done any projects with your nas freenas/hex with software ? I am currently running NodeRed and Openwebrx
  11. Any one else in here a licensed operator ?
  12. In my findings any pool that HEXOS does not setup for you causes issues in the current build. I have tested a few different cases with single drives and other odd sized pools built in the trunas backend. This looks like it will be addressed at some point
  13. Thats where im at , I got the cpu and mobo from the scrap bin, the most expense in this build was the ebay drives and controller card
  14. its a i3 8350k 4c4t@4g, it has 24g of ram. also note its been up and running with many app inside of truenas for most of the year with no issues, This box is for storage and running small network apps.i have a few larger dell poweredge servers if I need horse power.
  15. Just a little i3 , everything else has been scrapped together as cheap as possible.
  16. I would also like to see the change log information. I hope its tagged alone when to goes alpha
  17. TBH with a bit of code and the right hardware you could build this outside of Nextcloud
  18. ubergeek


    Yeah need that extra security to these accounts
  19. I am Uber, I.T. Guy, Former Pipeliner and Millwright/Ironworker. I've had a passion for tech for as long as I can remember. Avid Ham Radio Operator and tinkerer. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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