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Everything posted by ubergeek

  1. D-brand Collab ?
  2. I take it "should" looking at this from the Deck
  3. Currently on ..... i3 8350k 24gigs of ddr4 3000mhz Random Mobo from the scrap ben ebay Lsi card - 8 port scrap 4tb drives from ebay 128gb ssd for boot Cooler Master HAF case crammed full of drives with some 3d printed bits to hold in drives Currently at 18tb useable might switch it around once I can get Hex installed
  4. I did see that open web ui and ollama were in the App list., or were you looking for something else?
  5. This, If I have to rebuild my current setup not the worst thing in the world but It would be nice to have a easy path so 14tb of data doesn't have to clog up my network again
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