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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. I just want to say 8 to 12 bays of 3.5" HDDs will never be all that quiet, they are also going to be using a decent amount of electricity even at idle. Both of those can be solved by using SSDs but thats a very expensive solution. I generally recommend Jonsbo cases, the n3 would hit your minimum requirements and the n5 would meet your ideal. but like ubergeek said we can provide better help if we knew your budget and what you plan to use the nas for (ex. multiple plex streams)
  2. HexOS indeed the primary OS however it is built off of and heavily related to Truenas Scale. HexOS uses docker apps which already has an established catalogue of apps. However the HexOS team will be manually configuring these existing apps to be more easily installed with 1 click Apps that have not been manually configured can still be installed but you may have to manually set permissions and locations. If there is a docker app then it is most likely supported such as jellyfin At the moment there are only 2 apps that support 1 click install in this beta (plex and immich) but the list will grow I'm not too sure what you mean with the "Windows? Mac? Linux?" part. I haven't looked into game servers myself but someone already made a guide for hosting a minecraft server. you can run a plex or other similar service with transcoding You can sync files from Android/iOS photo/video for longer backup There are multiple apps that can be used for this like immich for videos and photos You can sync files to some cloud storage providers not all cloud storage providers are supported and i can't remember which ones are no longer supported off the top of my head You can access files from your Windows desktop easily, allowing "basic" users functionality similar to what they currently experience with Google/OneDrive Your server will show up on your network and you can treat it like any other folder. There are some features that cloud providers can provide that are pretty annoying to setup such as creating a link to share with anyone
  3. solid build you got there, i sure both your nas and hexos will serve you well for a very long time
  4. funny enough im less worried about my power going out than i am worried about a family member turning off or unplugging my power strip. You'd think a heads up to not touch this outlet that is in a super hard to reach place would be enough.
  5. wish i could help but that compatibility list confuses me too, i never got around to even purchasing a ups because of it.
  6. Glad we could help. Im sure once you create a shortcut for smb and setup immich for the family they should easily be able to pick up how to use it. I like nas specific cases because they take up soooooo much less space than traditional cases. I'm currently using an old pc case i had lying around till i scrounge up some more disposable income for a nas case and it literally takes up more than 3x the volume of the jonsbo n4 and cost more when i bought it years ago.
  7. Mobius


    ahh yeah hexos does freak out about single drive pools but support is incoming. afaik hexos doesn't care too much about different sized ram, latency and speed so i think mismatching shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as your motherboard boots fine which it seems like it does.
  8. Mobius


    I'm a bit confused, what exactly do you have as a raid0? Also you may not need a ssd cache since you have a lot of ram. You probably already know this but you didn't need to remove your server from deck just to use the underlying truenas. kudos for the beefy system tho. Looking forward to seeing what you think.
  9. You aren't here to argue with other users about semantics. Consider this me politely asking you to stop doing that.
  10. HexOS is in beta and we can probably expect feature parity with truenas eventually.
  11. Glad you got everything working
  12. Ssd cache isn't really worth it since truenas does really use it as how you would expect it to. You will likely need to erase your drives using the guide i made Now to get one click app installs to work again you need to set your pool as the apps pool in truenas. I forget exactly how to do it but if you explore truenas or search the forum you might find it. Someone else might also reply with it below
  13. Microcenter and ebay are 2 resources i use a lot. MC was better back when they had mix and match bundles.
  14. i believe this is what the team stated as well. Ideally there will be an announcement prior to the 1.0 release to give people one last chance to purchase at the discounted price.
  15. i do love the arr stack, i don't use them to download anything but i use them to rename my linux ISOs
  16. I also want to mention that the HexOS team is still very small and iirc still under 10 people, majority of whom were hired after the beta launch. I believe the current priorities are to make HexOS easier to use not optimize it for honestly fringe use cases. By using truenas underneath HexOS we are able to improve HexOS many fold faster than if we branched away from truenas and can no longer use their updates. i see you don't want zfs but a big selling point for nas software is zfs. If HexOS didnt have zfs myself and no doubt many other "power users" would not have purchased a license. So there are trade offs and we cannot just say more ppl would buy hexos if it didn't have zfs. Just because we have stronger hardware doesn't mean we don't want the ease of use that comes from HexOS. Many users have actually bought new/used parts to make a hexos build and many users here have helped them make budget builds. i would be thrilled if HexOS also supported lower spec devices but honestly i don't see the point. Apps won't be able to run on these devices and the experience wouldn't be great in general souring what users think of HexOS. Its like the people i know that say android phones are bad because the $200 android phone they bought is slower than the $1000 iphone they replaced it with. Lastly JonP did respond to your previous thread saying they aren't in a position to work on lowering minimum spec requirements currently and will consider it after the 1.0 release.
  17. it was an interesting build but the parts list did not make too much sense (custom case aside).
  18. maybe some of the space limitations can be overcome with a custom 3d printed case?
  19. Jonp has mentioned somewhere that we shouldn't need to make a clean install for when HexOS leaves beta
  20. Since the turnkey nas you mentioned charge a premium because of their fairly polished proprietary OS. I would also assume it would cost somewhere in between the 2
  21. Custom built nas. intel core ultra 265k + asus prime matx motherboard (i would not recommend this motherboard)
  22. it makes more sense to go with an intel cpu with integrated graphics intel has quick sync which great for transcoding videos. a dedicated gpu is unnecessary for plex in most cases
  23. seems like what you want isn't very intense. there is this prebuilt that has been kinda popular This build is something that could work for you too https://nl.pcpartpicker.com/list/Jd292x I would however consider checking ebay to see if you can find a 8500(t) or 9500(t) and a compatible motherboard for cheap I'm not sure what the price for the jonsbo n4 is in europe so i just put in a conservative estimate for price. The Sagittarius 8 bay chassis that @Sonic mentioned is also an option.
  24. the closest thing to that we have is profile -> edit profile -> fill out the about me section
  25. Now when you say the deck portion do you mean the password to login to deck or the password to claim a server in deck?
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