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One drive pool


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at this moment you can make that pool via truenas ui as a one drive "stripe" pool

however this causes hexos to freak out at the time and i wouldn't recommend it.

i too am waiting for hexos to not freak out when adding one drive pools since i would like a single ssd to be my app drive

The team is aware we want single drive pools and it will be coming in a future update.
At this time there is no eta

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12 hours ago, Lesnick said:

Ability to have 1 drive in a storage pool 

In my findings any pool that HEXOS does not setup for you causes issues in the current build. I have tested a few different cases with single drives and other odd sized pools built in the trunas backend. This looks like it will be addressed at some point

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1 hour ago, dwold91 said:

It seems making a pool in TrueNAS completely breaks HexOS. I have a 2TB m.2 that I want to install all apps on and it just doesn't work. Quite frustrating

@jonp is aware of our frustration and single drive pools will be implemented in a future update

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Unless you stripe the drives (and you shouldn’t) a vdev can only be the size of the smallest drive multiplied with the number of drives and subtracted the parity, and some overhead.
A pool can consist of more then one vdev, but it has no redundancy in that layer. You loose one vdev, you lost your entire pool.

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I want to run Jellyfin, and the docs recommend using an SSD for cache and config. I created a stripe with an old 128GB SSD to use for this purpose, but it breaks the HexOS UI. Anyone know if I might end up bricking the entire system like this, or just the HexOS UI? (Meaning I could still use the TrueNAS backend if needed)

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I second this, I don't hate that hexos trips out and alerts me to an unsecure drive state when I add single drive vdevs but since I had to do so in the truenas UI I clearly know enough to be able to do so, so perhaps these warnings are unnecessary as Im likely fully aware of the risks...

For my specific application, I really am not interested in redundancy at all, at least not with this operating system, I have several servers deployed in my homelab with close to a petabyte of teared storage solutions were I have plenty of redundant targets and also an offsite hyper compressed archive of the vitals and also cloud targets for configs and documents were it makes a ton of sense to use expensive cloud storage... My needs for hexos is to have an easily deployed on commodity hardware hybrid open target for samba filesharing and app hosting for everyone else that I don't necessarily want to provision privileges to very very expensive resources already in place and I will also use it myself for personal use were I may want to share that space with these other people, like media and games and other files and I can escelate the backup of that shared target to a secure archive in my more enterprise setup...

No I want to be able to deploy a low cost mini itx system that only has 4 3.5in HDDs and a single 2.5in sata SSD and 2 m.2 nvme targets were ill have approximately 64TB of space with the 3.5s and a 4tb sata SSD and 2 2tb nvme targets all on a low cost AliExpress special itx motherboard that has 10gb copper via AQC113 Ethernet nic and dual 2.5gb nics via Intel i226 and a basic but sufficient for the application Intel n100 chip were I have enough bandwidth to 2 nvme SSDs to act as a high speed target for que and a semi fast sata SSD for split partitioning for slog and meta and extra cache to supplement the 32gb(the board only has a single DDR5 slot and is limited to 32gb at 4800mhz) of RAM that is primarily leverage as a write cache and also some scratch space for small file muiti user access like document sharing and also space for application folders and any requisite files needed for any VM we may want to tinker with collectively and also the hexos install with be on a small 256gb sata SSD because it is only used for the base install... 

I'm ok with a little capacity loss by using a raidz2( I think it's called raidz2 for a 3+1 vdev) for some peace of mind that if I lose one of the 16tb drives due to failure I can replace it and rebuild the target in case catastrophe happens between the failure before the scheduled rsync opp but that only for the 3.5in HDDs I don't need any redundancy for any of the solid state targets and I'd like to not be screamed at by the command deck when it detects that there are single device vdevs in the configs and just makes them unaccessible all together so here's hoping this is remediated fairly quickly as again I understand the risks, I don't need any handholding and if I lose data due to my own carelessness that is on my and a risk I was willing to take otherwise I wouldn't have configured it that way deliberately in the harder to use truenas UI... Just sayin


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I'm in favor of making it possible to add a one-drive pool. However, it should be a solution suitable for multiple user groups.

Users like @theking8713 know what they're doing and should have the option to create a pool with a single disk and disable warnings.

Less experienced users, on the other hand, should be made aware of the risks of a one-disk pool. Creating such a pool shouldn't be too easy either, as the risk of data loss is significantly higher compared to multi-disk pools.

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I also support the ability to create "unrecommended" configurations. I have two NVMe SSDs I want to run striped because I want the speed and storage and couldn't care less if it's "unreliable" or "unsupported".

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I'd love this too. I have a few larger drives that are more than enough for me and my non-essential data and dropping hundreds of dollars on new drives is not in the cards right now. I bought hexos thinking this would be a basic feature (if multiple drives work then SURELY a single drive would work, right?), yet it's not there and I can't really use it. There is some alternative software, but making plex or other stuff work there is a pain...

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Chiming in here hoping to see this as well

Was putting together a small travel server - was hoping to use HexOS but it's pretty clear about not supporting it at this time.

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