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Everything posted by HomeHosted

  1. Some git host like Gitea, Gitlab or Forgejo
  2. Looks like there has been progress, actually a bit today. And looks like they started a rewrite of it completely. So maybe this next year they will have something.
  3. Yeah this would be a great qol feature!
  4. Seems as if the older Intel Arc GPUs are supported. https://forums.truenas.com/t/accepted-add-intel-gpu-tools-package-to-scale/8971/4 https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-130356 I would give it some time and a newer kernel will comes to TrueNAS, then it will require HexOS to also update their system to be tested and released with that updated TrueNAS Scale Version, it will be a bit most likely, for the newer ones. But your A380 should be supported per these post.
  5. As the other person said it is not recommended to use usb drives. usb is not designed to be used this way. on your board your manual will say what usb ports go to what usb chip on your board. And usually they are 2-4 ports per chip. This can cause a lot of stability issues, it will cause drive IO delays. And don’t get me started on drive lettering for pools. best bet. Get an HBA card and shuck your external drives.
  6. Containing an email server is not fun. I have done it self host, vps, and the amount of bullcrap you have to deal with when it comes to spam filters, your domain being blocked because a company notices your home op was used for malware before years ago. Etc. i like the idea but I would ask for this when they have matured the software more.
  7. To access the apps you can click the app you installed and on the pop up should be a launch button. If that does not work you can manually type into your browser the up is HexOS with the port number of the apps. and for updating do not update truenas yet, HexOS has stated in some forum post that they are working on updating things. You can update but you should wait for them to validate things first. and for apps something. but apps I am less worried about so I log into truenas and update the apps there
  8. I would not recomend doing that. You can, but you should NOT. Here is a thread form the truenas scale forum: https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/mixing-2-ssd-and-2-hdd-in-same-pool.115280/ HexOS is build on top of TrueNAS Scale so if you find something over there it should apply to the underlying truenas but may not to the hexos part. But mixing drives will cause you a lot of issues unless you know how to move metada to a cahced pool or the like. Set up an HDD pool and a SSD pool, it will make like more convient for you.
  9. Looks like an awesome project! Keep it up!
  10. Something like caddy-docker-proxy, traefik or nginx-proxy-manager would probably make it a lot easier.
  11. What would the benefit of adding obs bring? Currently, you can run obs on your system and store the clips on HexOS without HexOS supporting the OBS application. You can also edit from a NAS already. Map the folder you want to use for OBS and set it in OBS. Same with edditing.
  12. https://wintelguy.com/zfs-calc.pl Here is a calculator for ya. It might make sense but with how many different configs you can make it would be a bigger task then you would expect, and personally I would rather see them put time into new applications.
  13. Your boot drive should not be part of your zfs pool ever, and HexOS does not set up your zfs pool that way. When your boot drives do fail, and they eventually will. You can install HexOS on it and log into truenas and import the pool that way, currently with HexOS not having an import function this is the way arround that. If you boot drive dies you did not lose your data in your pull. It is just zfs so as long as the host can recognize your pull you should be okay to import it.
  14. Gitlab would be really nice, but it is such a big app I would not be suprides if it is a while before an app taht complex is implemented in the one click.
  15. HomeHosted


    I am unsure if HexOS supports DLAN it self, in the current state I would say no (Dec 2024), but Plex if avilable to install currently native to HexOS. If that does not work HexOS is TrueNAS Scale and you can just log into TrueNAS and set up DLAN application how you want to.
  16. Currently only the devs know this as the buddy backup is not yet released, heck idk if they even stated on it yet.
  17. Here is my guess, I am not a member of the HexOS team nore am I a mod for the hub, but from what I have learned from the hub here it goes. HexOS is based on TrueNAS, but HexOS can update cloud side with out TrueNAS updating on your system. Not for everything though. TrueNAS should not be out of date that far if at all being that HexOS does require an internet connection into the computer, so unless they backport security updates my guess is that it will be more of a rolling release. If for some reason they need to rewrite something major and you need a reinstall for v1.0 you can install HexOS and log into TrueNAS to import your drives that way, as of now, so it SHOULD not be a big issue if at all. Again, this is my guess based on what I have gathered.
  18. Found the webgsm page, but it’s been a while for updates.https://github.com/LoadingStill/WebGSM
  19. game management will require terminal access, not difficult but challenging to make it easy. maybe something like a gui htlm set up. i found what looks to be an idea of that a while ago called WebGSM, I don’t think it’s under the official linuxGSM pages. And I forgot where I found it but it looked to be the right idea for this, I don’t know if they ever got it out of alpha or beta, let me see if I can find it.
  20. Found the docker link I was looking for https://github.com/GameServerManagers/docker-gameserver
  21. For ease of implementation, linuxGSM has docker images for almost all the games they have documented. Which is a lot. So it would just take time to implement the first one then making it to working with the rest. a lot of management commands are exactly the same expect specific game commands are different. the issue is LinuxGSM is terminal based. No user friendly gui. But the commands are very easy to use and find documentation on.
  22. Welp HexOS no longer likes you. Jk
  23. Would love this. this would make game integrations a lot easier then custom one.
  24. I know some post are floating arround asking about updating and I know the answer is wait for HexOS to notify the user. But for apps like Immich and Plex, the phone apps will keep updting over time and the server won't as of now. If there a plan to add these functions in soon for apps as to not cause issues long term? Immich being a beta software still and the server and client mismatch versions, idk if that is an issue but I thought I would ask.
  25. I had issues with and SSD pool as well, what I had to do was log into the treunas side and go to drives, then wipe the ssds in the gui, then create the pool in truenas, it then showed in HexOS. I think this was due to not being wiped with a lvm locked partition on them prior. BUT I did discover 3 of my 7 SSDs had really bad smart reading and just failed during all this. So take what I said as a may work but my set up had issues.
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