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Everything posted by HomeHosted

  1. While I agree at this time nothing is on it that I can't lose. This is a beta software for an ease of use nothing production. So while I agree, I do also like having the extra drive space in this envrioment.
  2. I think you can just hit the drop down of your NAS name in HexOS and select the second server.
  3. I had this issue before as well, it took a restart of the browser once and a restart of they system the other. I was tinkering so idk if that is the real fix, or if my issue messed it up and a restart fixed my issue that caused it not to install properly.
  4. Also for the boot drive I use 128 gig drives. And it is more then enough. i would get smaller boot drive just to save some money.
  5. I like the idea but you really can not do much with HexOS if you only have a boot drive. and I would recommend 2 boot SSD of the same size and model number. Keeps it safe if one fails. but if your current media pool is ZFS you can import it into HexOS but going into the treunas interface and importing it.
  6. Currently helps does not have an update for the system to my knowledge. that does not mean HexOS has not had any updates yet, because it has. Since HexOS is cloud based they can update HexOS with out effects of of an update on the system like a restart. if I am remembering correctly, HexOS put out that they recommend waiting till HexOS notification is there to update trueness and not to update in the truenas UI. that could be old news but I read it on one of the post like 2 days ago.
  7. As cool as the buddy back up is, people really should only host for their direct family and closest friends. as for pool set up what I am seeing is for SSD 1 parody drive per four drives and four hard drives one parody drive for eight drives.
  8. I own a LOT of dvd, Blu-ray, and UHD video content. I also do a lot of Linux iso torrenting. For a while I had almost every major Linux iso and version and would seed that kind of thing for months. Actual Linus iso not the other meaning. but the main reason for it came down to the drives were 70% off so I bought 16, 14TB drives and said lets makes some pools.
  9. That 90TB is, and I wish I was joking, 45% of the drive pools I am bringing over... I am really for stress testing HexOS lol.
  10. Not that I can see, but every app installed the config and the app it self on the ssd pool and the media on the hdd pool by default. Which is exactly what I wanted.
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