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  1. This is a good background artikel. Thanks! It’s always good that you really understand the stuff you working with. In my opinion this is also the reason why TrueNas has a pretty steep learning curve. You have to understand the basics of ZFS and the authorization model, before you can configure the right options. To be honest, I am still not really comfortable in TrueNas. With a few guides from the internet I got my TrueNas setup up and running. But after that I change as less as possible 😀 This is exactly the reason I like the concept of HexOs. Rock solid TrueNas / ZFS in the background and easy config in the front end
    3 points
  2. Laughs in Darkness.. All jokes aside Ill put it in to look at this issue.
    2 points
  3. I was reading THIS arsTECHNICA article on ZFS (as one usually does) and was so impressed that I started looking at other stuff the author has worked on. Turns out THIS guy created a ZFS snapshot application that looks really promising. I've not done anything other than look through the repo but I like what I see so far and wanted to share. Tagging @Sonic @Theo and @PsychoWards because of the thread comments in THIS post. While not totally on topic to that thread, it made me remember that I should share this content.
    2 points
  4. Look's nice, be curious to see what chipsets it comes with though + how it'll compare to the Ugreen DXP6800 or DXP8800.
    2 points
  5. https://www.gingerling.co.uk/playing-with-hexos-part-1-losing-my-mind-and-my-pool/ Enjoy x
    1 point
  6. Hello, not sure if it was requested already, but a curation for the "Actual Budget" app would be greatly appreciated. I found it by looking at the apps tab, and did some more research on it and i would love to switch to it instead of my current app of Quicken since I pay yearly to use it. I think it would help many nowadays due to inflation. Thanks!
    1 point
  7. Hi @freid, almost $900,- for motherboard / CPU combo is a lot of money. I am wondering what the main purpose will be for your NAS setup? It seems a little top heavy to me. But don't get me wrong. You probably have good reasons for the choice of this combo. I only like to learn from your choices.
    1 point
  8. I assume you are using the password you setup in the install? if that is still not working you will need to plug in a monitor, keyboard and mouse to the NAS and you will have the ability to change the truenas_admin password
    1 point
  9. Hey all, as the name implies I would like to see a simple checkbox to make folders available via nfs. As a bonus a list of IP ranges that are allowed to access the share would be perfect. The user mapping to the user owning the folder so that I do not need to care about permissions and just access the data via NFS could be handled automatically as a default. Please feel free to ask for clarification and to add your ideas below!
    1 point
  10. Well there IS a fan inside, and an optional external fan you could mount on the top cover. I got it with my Pocket NAS, even though on their website they say it’s an optional thing. I would need to have it all ready before I can tell you more about it. The four screw holes on the top are meant for the external one. Best thing is, I’ve never heard the internal fan, and the external one seems very quiet also, when I tested it. When I’ve built computers I’ve used Noctua fans, so I’m quite spoiled, in this regard. By the way, all the metal of the box itself seems aimed at dissipating heat. I will be back.
    1 point
  11. Nice journey! Looking forward to see HexOs on your mini NAS. Can you share your experiences with the temperature? I'm really curious about the cooling system in this NAS mini PC.
    1 point
  12. Sorry for my confusing quote; No 2 is the appropriate one in this case. Today I found the time to do this. But I would need some help from @Dylan or @DomSmith with the interpretation of the shown result when using the lspci command. If only you can read it, A little blurry…
    1 point
  13. Just a point about dealing with electronic parts like this. I always hold them by the edges. Very often on videos you see the person putting fingers all over it. Before I start I try to get rid of static electricity, by putting my hands on a heating radiator. I’ve built five or six computers since 2008, and never had a problem with static charge buildup.
    1 point
  14. I just had a brief look, but this looks to be very interesting, both the article and the tool. This will definitely help with understanding ZFS better! Thanks for posting it.
    1 point
  15. @PsychoWards, you are more then welcome to copy some parts of my setup! That's also how I started with my setup. Always learning a lot of other homelabbers. And still learning every day. Do you have specific part where you are interested in? We can eleborate on that. And yes, perhaps you are right. I should create my own topic 🙂
    1 point
  16. You absolutely need to create your own topic. From your posts in the forum it sounds like you have a some things which I will shamelessly copy from your setup =D
    1 point
  17. All righty then... My first-ever NAS was using TrueNAS and was a trial-by-fire, to say the least. This time, after watching a HexOS demo by Linus (LTT) I decided to give it a try. It went super smoothly and I'm very impressed. My hardware configuration: # PlinkUSA RackBuy IPC-G3550X 3U Server Chassis # MSI MAG B550M Mortar MAX WiFi Motherboard # AMD Ryzen 5 5600G 4.4GHz 6-Core 12-Thread Processor # 32GB (2x16GB) G.SKILL Trident Z-Series DDR4 3200MT/s CL14-14-14-34 Memory # 1TB Kingston FURY Renegade PCIe Gen 4.0 NVMe OS Drive # (12) 8TB SAMSUNG 870 QVO SATA III SSDs # 10Gb Dual RJ45 (Intel X540-T2) PCIe 3.0 x8 Network Card # LSI Logic 9300-16i 16Port 12Gb/s SAS PCIe 3.0 x 8 HBA Controller # (3) ICY DOCK 6-Bay 2.5” SATA HDD / SSD Hot Swap Tool-Less Backplane Enclosure with Dual Cooling Fan for 5.25” Bay # FSP Twins Pro ATX PS2 1+1 Dual Module 500W Certified Efficiency ≥90% Hot-swappable Redundant Digital Power Supply So without further ado I bring you The HULK... I'm currently in the process of transferring about 42TB of media from a Yottamaster 5-Bay USB 3.2 HDD enclosure to the new pool. Currently I'm seeing an average transfer rate of about 30MB/s which is super slow considering everything is 10G (switch, nics) and using Cat8 cabling. I have checked the link speeds and they are all reporting 10G. It might be a device cache limitation. The first ~2GB of any transfer is faster (>1GB/s). I think I may have to look into a second M.2 for a cache drive. That's my opinion, I welcome yours. :)
    1 point
  18. Let's keep in touch! Already some inspiration and scripts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5KAt76Bg3w https://www.apalrd.net/posts/2024/pbs_hibernate/ I need to find some time to start experimenting.
    1 point
  19. Dude, you just noodled through an installation via TrueNAS, which is non-trivial, and ended up with a working configuration - congrats! Thank you for your thorough follow up. I am going to add your post as a place holder in our Directory of Guides until or unless a more complete installation write up is submitted - which I totally hope you contribute towards! Thanks again!!
    1 point
  20. Thanks for the diagram, I was roughly aware the relationship but I wasn't sure if it was more a master+slave, with HexOS fully controlling TrueNAS (with the option for users to manually control TrueNAS), but the sibling relationship structure sounds good. I was thinking it might be the former becuase I've heard HexOS adviise users against performing certain actions via the TrueNAS UI as HexOS might not support those same actions and that could lead to HexOS breaking.
    1 point
  21. Regarding point 1; I was thinking of comparing the permission types between HexOS's TrueNAS UI, and then implementing those types on that second TrueNAS systems. I'm talking about the UID, GID, Mask types. Probarbly "Advanced" stuff for HexOS's target userbase but stuff TrueNAS users need to know.
    1 point
  22. @Dylan Thank you for your help! It really helped me get a better understanding of the bigger picture in regards to all this, and it helped me kinda jerryrig my own solution to it. Thing is, shortly after installing the OS I had also decided to update truenas scale, which I found out later that it isn't recommended to do so. It didn't break anything for me at least, so I just figured it's all good. But after having wrestled with the guides you sent me, and stumbling upon a random reddit thread, I ended up finding out that the issue causing this whole mess was that I had basically done a "default installation" of pretty much everything in Handbrake when doing it via truenas scale. So part of what the latest version of electric eel (truenas) did, was change how the apps are handled - and how they are placed, which is more relevant for this - which messed with how handbrake sets up storage paths to "watch" and output from how it's installed. The people in the reddit thread were talking about how it's essentially a "1-click solution" to change the already-existing apps to fit that update, but they didn't really talk much about when installing from scratch. Which is where that guide by Theo about radarr and sonarr really helped out, because it made me familiar with the finnicky nature of the storage options and premade datasets when installing something. So this is what solved it: (I had already deleted handbrake quite a while ago, so at this point it's without the app installed) I made a dataset for handbrake, in /mnt/HDDs/Applications/ with permissions set to user, group, and other, with root and read/write/execute (I figured why not, I didn't really feel like taking it one permission at a time and I'm fine with leaving it as it is now, but up to you (the reader) if you want to be more cautious about it). I did not make a config sub-dataset like the sonarr/radarr guide suggests for sonarr/radarr. I then installed handbrake with mostly the default options still as they are. However, I left the config storage to iXVolume because I figured it's not something I need to be messing with anywhere other than in the UI for the app and there it was already working fine previously - and then I changed all of the other storage options to Host paths with a folder I've set up myself. (I should've made more folders for it in order to separate the pre-encoded from the re-encoded video files, but I just wanted to get it over with to see how it goes.) So I gave it a shot, and it works fine now. Well, kind of. I still can't see the HDDs folder, although I could at one point during my trials and errors but then it wouldn't give me access so I decided to try something else. But now the built-in view of "storage" in the app's UI can see the video files just fine, in a place where I can place them; because Applications isn't accessible (nor viewable) to place files in, which is where I'm guessing Handbrake had assigned as its "storage" pathway before. Anyway, lesson learned without too much harm done, that I'm gonna have to mix things up a bit to work with the updated electric eel version of truenas scale, since HexOS is still meant to be used with the version it came with during its installation. Thank you for the help! It did push me in the right direction.
    1 point
  23. I agree that this would be a nice feature. You can do this now via the TrueNAS UI by going to Datasets, which will show you the amount occupied by each folder (Movies, Shows etc.)
    1 point
  24. @jonp recently confirmed recently that there are plans to be able to adopt existing TrueNAS systems into HexOS for management, but that's not something that is likely to be implemented soon. If I were in your shoes and I wanted to make things happen quickly I would build your second server and install HexOS on it, copy all your files and such, and then convert TNS01 to HexOS as well. As far as how it all works, HexOS exists on an equal level as TrueNAS' GUI interface, and both of those talk to the TrueNAS API which is a layer down, and is what actually does the work. Both interfaces work side by side. They're like siblings in the way that they relate to the TrueNAS API. You could think of it as having two options for your user interface for TrueNAS. Here is a diagram to illustrate: On the left is a normal TrueNAS install, and on the right is HexOS. The HexOS installer has the HexOS command deck web connector added, and that's about the only difference as far as the actual installer goes. The rest of the interface is handled from the Command Deck web app, which is cloud based. A fully local HexOS UI option will be coming before full release. It's unlikely to be at full feature parity with deck.hexos.com. Details are TBA though.
    1 point
  25. @Dylan, my answer is already in your comment. 😀  I mean, they're essentially servers the size of a large grapefruit. My answer depends on how you define a NAS. In the end, they are all mini PCs or servers with a certain form factor. But to give you an idea, I’ll describe my setup. I distinguish between my home network and my homelab. Home Network My home network is used by my family, mainly for file sharing and backups. The cornerstone is a rock-solid Synology NAS DS1520+, which I use for local Office 365 backups. Additionally, I back up my photos from my NAS to the cloud, so all my files are stored both locally and in the cloud. Before this, I had a DS414, which ran 24/7 for over 10 years. Homelab I have a separate network segment for my homelab (Mikrotik 2.5GbE & 10GbE network). All devices in my homelab run Proxmox in a cluster. My Aoostar WTR Pro serves as a NAS/storage (HexOS) and Proxmox Backup Server. Additionally, I have: Intel NUC 11 Pro → Runs Windows 11 and macOS VMs, stays powered off when not in use. Shuttle DL30N (Intel N100) → Runs Docker apps. Lincstation N1 → Test server, including a second HexOS installation. I recently ordered a Lincstation N2, which I plan to use as my primary HexOS server. This will allow me to repurpose my Aoostar WTR Pro as offline storage, activated only when needed using Cron jobs and Wake-on-LAN. The Lincstation N1 will then become my Proxmox Backup Server, allowing me to quickly restore VMs or Docker containers when experimenting with configurations that don’t work as expected. All of this is housed in 10-inch racks. I’m a big fan of small form factor devices that strike a balance between maximum performance and minimal power consumption.
    1 point
  26. i would probably use the TN scale guide. you can connect to it with tailscale. im not to familiar with reverse proxies myself so maybe someone else can better inform you.
    1 point
  27. Still no update at this time but an updated roadmap should be coming out soon
    1 point
  28. This should be ready in not to distant future: https://hexos.com/blog/the-road-to-10 Read the passage: Coming Soon Our upcoming Virtual Machine (VM) Manager aims to simplify traditional and hybrid VM setups. Imagine creating a Windows desktop VM or a dedicated media player with ease—combining physical and virtual hardware for unique use cases. We’re also planning on making the storage wizard more customizable and adding SMART testing options during setup. So far i create the VM's in Truenas, and they pop up in Hexos frontpage after creation, are a few bugs, but it works. Only thing i really want, is the ability to use VM's when not on the same network. That is the only thing i really want. If my VM's break, when they finally release this feature, it's fine and i'm ok with it. We are running an beta. So far i just run a MECM (Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager) lab on Hexos. And everything works fine. But would love to be able to also connect to it when i'm at work.
    1 point
  29. we have a virtual machine manager as part of our roadmap. No idea when we can expect it though.
    1 point
  30. Can you tell us a little more of what's going on as well as what hardware and network you are using?
    1 point
  31. So I decided to throw together a quick video for thoes that are questioning hardware when it comes to building their HexOs build. This is something i put together in a short time with my 20+ years in the used parts game. Feel free to give me pointers or opinions on things i may have missed and if there is a need ill create a part 2 with used enterprise gear..
    1 point
  32. Don't worry, I know this is like talking about the castle at the end of the journey before we even take our first step! I wanted to start this more as a discussion/casual poll of our most wanted apps, however, so that when it comes time to expanding, there's a list of ideas/feedback ready to go! I'll start - I really want Tailscale support, be it natively, or official-unnoficial testing of the FreeBSD compile (if HexOS is built on the FreeBSD CORE image and not on SCALE - but either way!) that works on OPNSense/pfSense, or even in collaboration with Tailscale themselves. I think FreeBSD really needs some love to bring it more seamlessly to FreeBSD platforms and this is a perfect place to start, and if it's SCALE based, then I guess just testing and validation to make that oh-so-ideal one-click app deployment seamless! Bonus entry; HomeAssistant support, but both ways. if HA can be set up ON HexOS, AWESOME! I think, though, that it would also kick butt if HA could connect to HexOS and get info from it; drive health, usage, CPU util/temp, stuff like that! Big thanks to the Hex team and really looking forward to using this system!
    1 point
  33. Man, I just had the worst time setting up the OS. TLDR: A corrupted drive can cause strange problems. And so can messing with the TrueNas interface. So I have a variety of old 2TB drives I wanted to put to good use. The oldest of which is from 2013 (out of my first PC) and has basically been in use constantly since then. Well, I have also known it to still work since I had it installed in my main rig up to a few days ago. Well, I also had a few strange and unexplained oddities with my pc. For example an unexplained second Windows installation on that drive despite it not having been a boot drive since about 2017. The only problem that caused, was a "select windows" screen after the boot screen. This screen survived MULTIPLE formattings and two different new boot drives, so I gave up on fixing that and lived with it. Now after that backstory to the relevant part. After I spent a day combining some old parts into something working I started installing Hex OS today. At first, everything went fine (except for having secure boot on) and after following the guide everything worked. Almost. I have even installed and tested Plex at this point. Now I wanted to see what would happen if one of the HDDs broke. so first I have a look at the storage tab and I see something weird. An unused drive. But I had selected 5 of 5 drives in the setup. it also told me I have 8TB of storage. so why does it show an extra drive? Well, in the details, I see that four of the five have a name and show me a serial number, like the extra one, but one was different. It only showed a long number and no details. weird. So I did the sensible thing and restarted. And oh no, now it shows my array as degraded, and there is still the extra drive. I tried replacing the number drive with the extra one. no luck. (but it still showed a success popup?) At that point, I resigned myself to messing with TrueNAS directly. but nothing worked. that was until I connected each drive individually and totally erased them. Whatever strange thing happened to the drive only went away after that. But this is not where this story ends of course. No, because I seemed to have messed with TrueNAS enough to cause Hex OS to have problems. setting up the now empty array worked fine. on to instaling Plex. It created the folders as bevor and then nothing. no working web interface. it did not even show as installed in TrueNAS. Welp, time to use the nice Reset and restore button. That will fix everything I think. So I wipe everything and wait.... and wait some more. but nothing happens. even after 15 minutes. the console on the server's display shows no changes. It does not show up in the dashboard. No rebooting. nothing. I try to log into TrueNAS. It needs a new password. Well, so this install is done. Back to square one. Fresh install from Boot USB. The array is fine now. Plex installes. IT FINALLY WORKS. Man, I bought Hex OS exactly to have it easy, but well, that's beta software ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still better than pure TrueNAS. Sorry for the long rant but I got a little annoyed about all this and wanted to share the strange behavior of the array, the Whipe Everything function, and maybe even the problem with reinstalling the same app after having deleted the array. Also here's a work-in-progress picture of my 3D Printed 10-bay Micro atx Nas.
    1 point
  34. With Hex still being in its beta form, it doesn't allow me the flexibility of setup that I would like. So here is what I did (it is not ideal and I would not recommend it). I found an intel server platform (Intel S2600GZ) on facebook that had 3.5 bays rather than the 1U server I had previously that had 2.5 bays, limiting my storage capabilities. I migrated all my hardware over to the intel server and got things up and running. All drives are connected to a raid controller that I tried to set in HSB via CLI command but it is still running like a normal raid controller. For now I have set up everything in single volume raid 0 in the raid controller (which means I cannot redo this set up easily so everything is being duplicated to a small 2 bay NAS for continuity of data) to get OS to see them. Not ideal but it works for now until I can get an HSB and probably new Mobo as this intel platform doesn't seem to allow too much alteration from its original intent. I have the main OS installed on a 100gb SSD I have 3 x 10tb in raidz1 for my main pool for all our data needs 4 x 1tb in raidz1 for steam library (not ideal but wanted to see how Hex viewed an iscsi share) 1 x 2tb single mirror for my NVR via Shinobi I have a 250gb and 500gb NVME drives that I am going to get pci boards for and set up as cache's for my main pool and the steam pool Because of the single mirror Hex broke so I removed the server from the hub. I will have to wait until I can skip the erasure step when setting up the server as everything was set up via the Truenas UI and I have everything set up and working for now. Have immich, wireguard, nginx, netdata, uptime, unifi and a few other containers running. Everything is working great for now and am happy with my Hex ish set up. I am probably a little more advanced for what Hex was created but I am still a novice and setting up nginx and getting that going with ssl wasn't exactly easy especially when you are using an ISP provided modem (It was the only way not to have data caps). Server is an Intel S2600GZ with dual E5-2620 and 128gb of ram with 3 x 10tb HDD, 4 x 1tb HDD, 1 x 2tb HDD, and 1 x 100gb SSD with room for expansion. Using onboard 1gb nics for now until I upgrade my switch to handle 2.5.
    1 point
  35. I would like to see first party support for placing any app behind some of the most popular VPNs (PIA, Nord, Express, Proton, Tailscale, etc), as well as custom VPNs (WireGuard, OpenVPN, etc). For example, you may install “The Lounge” IRC client and have all internet communication pass through a PIA VPN so that your home IP is not exposed while chatting. Traditional methods of doing this involve painful configuration of iptables or other firewall rules. I believe this is an area where HexOS could really simplify things: Install a VPN plugin, authenticate with it, and then simply assign an app to a VPN plugin via the app’s settings if desired. It would be fully accessible from the home network without going through the VPN, but all internet traffic would go through the VPN with a kill switch in case the VPN goes down. Thoughts?
    1 point
  36. The "Get started" button in the website goes to relative path "#earlyaccess". This does not work in some of your nested pages, like the blog one e.g. https://hexos.com/blog/the-road-to-10#earlyaccess Not a big deal, just a FEnder nitpick
    1 point
  37. I am currently running a synology 720+ but have been having volume crashes that require complete backup and restore. At first it was once in two years then once a year then every six months and this last time was 2 months. I replaced both the ram and hard drivers but it didn't resolve my issue. So I decided to build a new sever from scratch with Hexos. I just ordered everything last night. Case: JONSBO N2 and a Noctua NF-A12x15 to replace the noisy stock fan. CPU and Motherboard: HKUXZR NAS Motherboard with integrated Intel i5-12450H Cooler: Noctua NH-L9x65 Memory: Crucial 64GB DDR5 RAM 5600MHz (2x32GB) PSU: Seasonic FOCUS SGX-500 Boot drive: Kingston 240GB M.2: (2X) SAMSUNG 990 EVO Plus SSD 2TB Hard drives: (3X) Seagate IronWolf Pro, 16 TB (two of them are repurposed from the synology) Cables: (2X) right angle sata (3.3 feet) and one mini SAS to 4x right angle sata (3.3 feet) My plan will be to have one mirrored 2TB m.2 pool for docker and any thing that could use quick random IO. and the three ironwolf pros in a RAID-Z1 giving me 32TB for mass storage with the ability to double that with two more drives. My current synology has 17 docker containers. With the two big ones being home assistant and jellyfin. I had 4-5 others but had to remove them to save on ram.
    1 point
  38. Hold on , got to have my school girl that just won some KPOP tickets moment. Thanks @jonp for taking the dive and for everyone else that is making this a awesome community. I am along for the ride to see where HexOS take us during the road to Alpha.
    1 point
  39. "Mom, get the camera!"
    1 point
  40. Built my "new" server for HexOS finally, a mixture of old and new parts. I'm replacing an aging EOL Synology DS412+. I was able to recycle a lot of parts I had around with minimal expense, except for storage of course. Use case: Mainly Plex, immich and some VMs for home lab stuff initially. The possibilities with the TrueNas back end seem pretty endless. It's my first venture into truenas
    1 point
  41. Hey @Archion - Whatever makes the dream work!!! I dig it.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. I believe integrating Home Assistant with HexOS could be a game-changer for the operating system, offering functionality that is sorely lacking in almost all other OS platforms today. A Home Assistant integration would allow users to monitor and manage their NAS more effectively. Imagine being able to track critical metrics such as system uptime, array health, disk health checks, and the overall status of your storage systems — all from within Home Assistant. Furthermore, adding control features would significantly enhance the user experience. It would be fantastic if users could automate tasks like rebooting or stopping/starting applications, VMs, or containers directly through Home Assistant. Additionally, automating disk spin-downs during off-peak hours for power savings would be a powerful and eco-friendly feature. The potential of Home Assistant integration is vast, and it's difficult to fully capture all the possibilities in a single topic. However, the core idea is simple: having such an integration, with continuous updates and new features, would be a major advantage for HexOS. While most other operating systems either lack similar functionality or offer only basic, limited capabilities, HexOS could stand out by providing a more comprehensive, user-friendly, and flexible solution.
    1 point
  44. Hey, Yes they are all running natively in Ubuntu and Ubuntu is running alongside Hexos as a VM in proxmox. 🙂 I currently don't plan to switch to the Truenas docker and I suppose for most apps I'll likely still spin them up in the Ubuntu docker rather than using the Hexos Apps. This way I have more flexibility and can easily migrate them to another server if I want to in the future. If I would use the Truenas VM feature in the future, I would ditch proxmox entirely and have Hexos running as the OS, because then, just for my use case I would have Proxmox running with just the Hexos VM and have the other VM(s) in Hexos? Might as well get rid of Proxmox and do it the propper way. I might do this at some point in the future, depending on how those things are implemented but for the moment I'm fine with using Proxmox as the main OS.
    1 point
  45. Feature Suggestion: UPS Integration for Automatic Shutdown Enable Hexos to natively support UPS devices for automatic safe shutdown during power outages. • Benefits: Prevent data loss, monitor power status, and improve reliability. • Implementation: Integrate protocols like apcupsd or NUT for broad UPS compatibility and allow configurable shutdown actions. Would you like help submitting this suggestion? support UPS devices for automatic safe shutdown during power outages. • Benefits: Prevent data loss, monitor power status, and improve reliability. • Implementation: Integrate protocols like apcupsd or NUT for broad UPS compatibility and allow configurable shutdown actions. Would you like help submitting this suggestion?
    1 point
  46. I know this is a request for a more 'One click' Hex TM integration, but incase people wanted to test this now, you can do this in Hex + TN today. (already had mine running a week without issue. TIME MACHINE INSTALL GUIDE Create a Folder & name it time machine (or a custom name) Set the Folder permissions (I left mine open, add user permissions here to restricted access) Navigate to the TrueNas UI (Server IP > Username: truenas_admin Pasword: server password from install) Navigate to the Shares tab, you should see your newly created share. Click on edit (pencil) On the Purpose drop down change to > Basic or multi user time machine. Press save/apply, and it'll prompt a restart of the SMB process. Go to your mac settings > general > Time machine. Click the + icon and locate your time machine share, then click setup disk. FYI if you aren't already connected to your Hex server, you'd need to do so now. Either search for the server in the network tab of finder OR connect to the server with finder > go > connect to server > SMB://[THE IP OF YOUR HEX SERVER] You can now choose to encrypt your backup with a password + if you choose, restrict the total disk usage the backup will have. You should now see your time machine backup setup. This will start automatically, but you can create a back up straight away if you choose. AUTO CONNECT SHARED DRIVE SETUP Now that could be it, but to ensure your Time machine backup will always occur, you need to ensure your Mac is always connected to your Hex server. to do this, we need to add the share to the login items Open Settings > general > Login items > click the + icon Locate your connected time machine share, then click open. You should now see the drive in the login items. That's it, you should be all setup and running.
    1 point
  47. That would also be my wish. I live in Germany Electricity cost is quite high and i know i could use an only SSD pool but i have 4x4tb HDDs and 2xtb SSDs and don't plan to change that anytime soon. I would i'm a noob and would love this exact feature. User has 1 share ! All data from user is written on SSD and only once a day copied to hdds The top things i access offen are also stored in SSDs and IF i need something else the hdds spin up. And the system Spins them up in the night does its things and then goes to sleep.
    1 point
  48. I need light mode, my eyes ache when doing dark mode Please fix
    1 point
  49. I hope we see these and of course SabNZB support early 2025. Edit: I just noticed there's an application section. Sorry all.
    1 point
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