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Everything posted by flat4vw

  1. Of the people who got a license how many of you shelve HexOS because is not mature enough or you have to go under the hood to achieve what you want? I have shelved it for now as I want more apps to be available. From the single click.
  2. i am flex duo i believe its a little older but it works
  3. I had to google CHF just saying
  4. why only a 1 drive pool, just curious
  5. yep got them since I first installed it the drive I used have bad sectors
  6. Or you could by a HDHomerun and pipe it to the Jellyfin/Plex
  7. Hallelujah my eyes get relief from this dark mode
  8. I can see where that makes it very hard to rely on it. I hope that with the large influx of $$$ they got from the LTT review and others, they can hire more development to move this out of beta. They way the did it was good marketing and we all jump in but they are hiding behind the moniker this is Beta. No issues there with me I knew what I signed up for but I would think they would update more since they are collection all this data from people like yourself that have a running server.
  9. I got a lifetime license years ago so im sticking with it but I do run jelly as an alternative in case plex has issues. I have not set up my Hex server and currently run on unraid and have tried proxmox
  10. You are right, very limited knowledge on truenas but the official truenas docs has it setup like you do
  11. I presume that Hex is also using dockers, so in the setup you have to tell the docker container where the media is located usually /media (docker):/mnt/blah/blah/Media (truenas) I m sure there's a YT setting up Jellyfin on truenas that can help
  12. for a minute I thought you were spilling the tea but no its for actual tea pfff
  13. hmm I have an older macpro this might work
  14. Most isp will not let you run a email server, you will have to do a lot of config to circumvent the blocks. Now if are going to place this on a data center then yea you can
  15. you can always do it via command line, not pretty but its effective.
  16. I presume they are going to incorporate something like docker where you can install this apps
  17. If you get an invite ,so you need to stand a server right away or can it be later? I bought a license to build a server at a later time I hope that's ok
  18. I need light mode, my eyes ache when doing dark mode Please fix
  19. To @Stefano are you the same person that did the unraid podcast? Watched the LTT video decided to buy a license , I am Pro license holder of unraid since 2005. I like this simplicity of the permissions and the robustness of truenas what is really eating my grapes is why JonP left and I assume several other unraid peeps
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