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I recently set up a Truenas server and it functions but I was wishing it had a more scripted set up for each aspect of it. There are many parts of Truenas I do not use as I am unsure of configuring those pieces. Looks like Hex OS will do that. 

My question is, will there be a migration process to convert a Truenas server to the Hex OS environment without losing my existing Truenas raid array? I really would not want to reformat the drives and have to copy the 14TB of data back over again.

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To add to that - why only migrate from Truenas? I used Unraid before, it would be fire to migrate from that aswell. I know most settings cant be migrated in that case, but apps, which are basically Docker Containers, or VMs would be fairly easy to import i think. 
+1 !


I've bought in as a gamble, hoping that migration becomes possiable. I am very far along with TrueNAS Scale (I have SMBs shares, and apps like Jellyfin, DDNS-Updater, Pi-hole, Wireguard, and Portainer setup already) and as such will not want to start again. But as Linus (of LTT) has expressed, I find any and all mantainance tasks or setup of new stuff (users, apps, shares, ect.), a complete pain, often relying on members of the LTT forum to help guide me through atleast 1 step.

Right now for example I'm fighting with a X550-T2 nic I've just installed that shows up in my Bios, but Scale won't detect. I have no idea what I've done wrong. I'm also fighting with the 2FAuth app which I can't get running properly for love or money, and the Qbittorrent app.

I'm aware that moving to HexOS probably wouldn't fix these issues. But it would make all the routine tasks alot simpler and make working with my NAS more enjoyable. I also am aware that you have stated you have to plans to work on this during alpha, but I really do hope that after 1.0 launches, you reconsider. 🙂


I've been a happy TrueNas Core user for the eighteen months, its sat on a Dell Precision 3620 tower. I will install HexOS/TNS onto the hardware, I want to move one of the Storage Pools a Raid1 setup with 2 x 12TB HDD's. Will it let me just adopt the disks or will I need to backup the data, wipe and setup the storage pools again?

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