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  1. Hello, I just bought HexOS in hopes for saving up money one-day for a NAS of my own to host my own Jellyfin server. I just wanted to voice my interest to try to help towards getting it pushed up in priority. Linus if you can help with NAS suggestions I would appreciate it.
  2. LinuxGSM is a way to easily install, run and manage game servers. They can either be installed natively in Linux, or as Docker Containers They have an easy to configure config file that's similar across all games, they have features to easily install, update, validate and manage servers, with support for a lot of games. I've personally been using it for years to host person servers and it's relatively easy to manually set up a custom app or yaml file in TrueNAS, especially since it only needs you to mount one storage location [/data] and everything is easily accessible inside there. to pick a game, you just select the version of the docker container. For example: gameservermanagers/gameserver:csgo Will make a CS:GO server, but changing the tag to :cs2 will download and create a CS:2 server, etc... Having a one click installer or an app with an easy configuration would make things incredibly simple for most users, and thanks to how they're configured it (might, I'm not a developer, pls don't shoot me) be easy to implement. Important Links: https://linuxgsm.com/ https://github.com/GameServerManagers attached are the example compose and config files for a CSGO server. docker-compose-csgo.yml _default.cfg
  3. fli.so is a polished and easy to selfhost link shortener. I'd love for it to be added as an app someday. Probably not a beta one. It also generates QR codes and offers tracking. Lots of good stuff. https://fli.so/?ref=selfh.st
  4. Zabbix is a really cool and powerful monitoring system. However, setting up and upgrading servers is a total pain, with separate databases to manage and all that. Having Zabbix Server as an app would be neat!
  5. Would love something like a "portainer" app to easily install portainer and docker with containers volumes being stored on the NAS. Honorable mentions: - nextcloud - nginx proxy manager - zabbix - sonarr / radarr / the other "arr" softwares - mqtt relay - uptime kuma - paperless-ngx - actually Im gonna make another post for that one.... that's a big one most people should have imho.
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