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Everything posted by unitedjoe

  1. I believe you need to select Follow topic underneath your post and you will get notifications. Also just found that you can Follow a whole Topic and choose the type of notifications you get.
  2. ***FAILED*** I tried the hard drive enclosure and HexOS would only see 1 drive of the 3. I have seen posts from other users experiencing the same problem so I am assuming (Yes, I know the old Benny Hill bit) that the problem is with the USB connection and if I had a direct SATA connection for all of my drives there wouldn't be a problem. Time to build a real NAS. FYI - The 2.5gb USB lan connection worked flawlessly.
  3. I am a complete noob to this realm so please be patient. In a previous post on my hardware I talked about starting with hard drives that I have laying around and upgrading as I can afford. One person made the above comment and I was thinking (yeah, I know, dangerous). If at a future time any of us wanted to upgrade the drives in our raid (upgrading size) could you shut down a raid, remove a drive, use a docking station that will duplicate drives and duplicate it, then use a program like EaseUS Partition Master to resize the drive and then place the resized cloned drive into the raid would that work with the program/raid?
  4. This is my first time building a NAS (I have had a Netgear NAS for years now) and using the HexOS will negate me from having to learn all the intricacies of TrueNAS. So my plan is to use a Beelink Mini S Pro 12 (with a Wavlink USB C to Ethernet Adapter 2.5 Gbps) and connect a Yottamaster PS500RU3 DAS to it via USB 3.0 and routed via my 2.5gb network. I won't use the raid hardware on the enclosure, but instead use the HexOS to create a NAS that I would use mainly for backups and file storage. Originally I plan on populating the NAS with 5 drives of various size I have laying around the house and as I can afford the them upgrade the 5 drives to 16TB each (the max size the DAS supports). Since the current drives are not real large I can exchange each drive over time and have the NAS rebuild the missing drive, which based on the size shouldn't take too long from what I understand. I hope that HexOS will also support Universal Media Player software in the future, but I suppose until it does I can have the Mini PC I use for my server right now just have it use the NAS as the location of the files. I don't use Plex because it has become too much. I just want to store photos and my movie library without having all the other stuff that Plex adds. I don't need to stream outside movies and watch live TV, sports, etc. I want to direct the server to my 2 or 3 libraries and that is it. I have a smart TV's and Roku for the other stuff. UMP also seems to run faster. While my network is 2.5Gb the TV's are all only 1GB. I hope that changes in the near future with either 2.5Gb or better yet skip to 5Gb's. Does this seem realistic?
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