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Jack Kennedy West

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About Jack Kennedy West

  • Birthday November 16

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  1. There is a BuddyBackup system in the works making it easy to replicate storage between multiple HexOS NAS's. Not sure when it is due but certainly something to look out for.
  2. I get ya. I just liked that Cloud flare just sort of worked and I can have tunnels to multiple locations. (I have a hosted VPS too so handy for that) Data caps sound very not fun
  3. Nice one. Sounds like a sweet setup. My second server is similar in that the integrated HBA/Raid Controller is limited in it's BIOS Options., So it's running Unraid with every drive set as individual Raid0's. However, my main server i discovered if i just don't set any config and leave all the drives unconfigured then they pass through as if in HBA Mode rather than Raid which was a nice surprise when setting up HexOS. I did try NGinx and got too many headaches. Ended up going with a Cloudflare Tunnel approach which i found pretty easy to setup, worth a look as i don't believe it requires any specific router setup to work, can implement access policies etc too. Look forward to seeing how your setup goes 🙂
  4. On the updates one. Currently I believe all updates just happen on their own as they are pushed out, with the odd one needing a system restart. I know the team are working on an Update/Upgrade UI for the OS within HexOS which I think I read somewhere is roadmapped to coincide with V1 (but i could be wrong there)
  5. In theory you can just add it and then it should pass itself through.
  6. I agree, i guess in a way that the TrueNAS Interface is the "local config" however, we bought it to be able to use the HexOS UI/Features. I am happy to wait, but it is something I would like to see sometime in the future.
  7. I can help you with ARRs setup if you like. Feel free to DM me
  8. Is the download location using a mapped drive? I. E. It had a drive letter etc. Or is it using \\servername\directory etc?
  9. I theory it depends on what fails. If you have a HBA card to connect your drives then you should be able to put that and the drives into the new PC. Along with the drive that Hexos is installed in and it'll boot up fine.
  10. Love reading experience posts like this. Sounds like a solid build and and couldn't be more suited towards HexOS. Enjoy the journey
  11. I suppose that would be a drawback then in your usecase. This thread points out that ZFS can fault drives if they don't spin up fast enough: Guess it's just wether or not it's worth that extra energy to run/having the disks run all the time. Personally i would say the benefits of ZFS outweigh the drawbacks.
  12. I think it is geared towards Media/Backup. However it is TrueNAS underneath so has VM functionality and all the included apps/docker containers with that. What are you wanting to use it for?
  13. Nice one. Definitely one I'll look into now that the server is fully up and running
  14. @Sonic For sure. Luckily I work for an MSP so i get to work with a lot of different brands etc. Fairly well versed in Unifi, Draytek, HPE stuff. Not used any Mikrotik yet but heard the name plenty, may well look into it for home use as always like getting stuck into enterprise gear. Ill check out the link too, cheers
  15. @Sonic That is a very good shout. My switch is 1Gig at the moment but seems a worthwhile upgrade to upgrade both NIC and Switch, especially to the benefit of local plex streaming Thanks!
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