Currently have a 2019 Honda Fit. I fell in love with the versatility of car when my dad bought a water salvage once at 17k with stick. You could use your finger to push in that clutch and at the time I had a 100K 2003 subaru forester that I think had a hydraulic issue, in hindsight, so the clutch was STIFF. I learned quickly that the clutch was engaged at the top so it turned out okay. After 40k it came to light the I had the inevitable leaking head gasket. Before I could think about replacing it, an eldery lady drove through 4 lanes of traffic and totaled my car. Over the years I had automatics and manuals until sadly the Honda Fit I bought was a CVT. But it's been 20K since without issue and if I had room in my garage (new home buyer as of April) I would consider a project car again. I do have a cement slab next to the 1 car garage. Just need to make my fence on the allyway into a gate so I can freely take in/out and store my dream project car which currently is a Subaru Justy. But those might all rust out before I get a chance to afford a semi good example with 4x4 lol.