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About Technodabbler

  • Birthday January 4

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  1. Hi, Lets take a scenario where I manage three servers : mine, my brother's and my dad's. All servers are stored in different households. Lets give them these names: Charizard : my server Bulbasaur : my brother's server Squirtle : my dad's server As the family administrator, I need to manage all three servers. However, my brother should only have admin rights to Bulbasaur, and my dad should be able to admin Squirtle. I'm comfortable with admin remote (deck) access to all three servers, but the local admin should have different credentials. Although my scenario might look a little complicated, I think this will be common in many scenario when friends are helping other friends manage their system. Cheers,
  2. @SparkrdomTrueNAS can do a lot of thing, so "technically" HexOS is very flexible, even at this stage. However, my understanding of the goal is to have core functionalities available in HexOS with easy of use. I guess my question would be then if alerting is considered important enough to be part of the HexOS offering. @fdeschapeFrom what I read so far, importing ZFS from existing TrueNas installation seems to be a pretty high priority.
  3. Hi HexOS, There has been a lot of talk about being able to import existing ZFS pools from existing TrueNas setup. However I run a ZFS pool from Debian 11, and I would like to carry over the pool without having to re-create it. When your team does work on the import existing ZFS pool, I would greatly appreciate it if it was generic to any Linux-created ZFS pool, and not specific to existing TrueNas installs. Thanks, Technodabbler
  4. Hi KnineDHP, Not an official answer, but to my knowledge, I have never seen TrueNas installed on Apple ARM hardware (Mx chips), which is the underlying software running HexOS. Heck, I'm not sure if there is a version of TrueNAS that functions on ARM. That said, you'll have better luck with a 10 year old PC on EBay, as long as it has space for storage. Cheers, Technodabbler
  5. Will we get alerting to go with it? I'd love to know if my ZFS pool is in a degraded state.
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