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  1. No, but I should be very clear. My use-case is very limited and intentionally that way. I hope to grow my configuration and what it does as HexOS expands its capabilities. Does that make sense? So, yes I run Plex, Immich, TailScale and Radarr with no issue (mostly - check my posts for where I've hit issues but they are almost entirely config based not HW or otherwise). I'm sure you've heard/seen this before but Hexos is still very much in beta and with limited official support for apps. With that said, we DO strive to document our growth HERE and often use the TrueNAS UI to deploy apps that are not yet fully supported - do so at your own risk tolerance. We're not quite 4 months out from release so there is still a road ahead but we have MANY talented contributors to this forum and I've enjoyed engaging with all of them!
  2. @freid I'm one of these people. I have the N100 version now and am very pleased with it. I also have the AMD version on order that I should be getting in the next few weeks where it will be used to backup the N100 device (my main media server). Happy to answer any questions if you have them!
  3. NFS is not likely any time soon and totally agree that slow SMB transfers can largely be mitigated with proper network management and file size awareness.
  4. Well said! This is certainly a "deeper" look into ZFS file and backup management - just something I am looking at how to deploy when my new NAS arrives, which will be running HexOS.
  5. That is the expected behavior, yes. But please be advised that because this is still in beta things can be wonky. Backup your data, first.
  6. I agree entirely as well. If @Sonic ever feels so inclined a post about backups and associated scripts would be greatly appreciated and likely should be saved in out Directory of Guides.
  7. I was reading THIS arsTECHNICA article on ZFS (as one usually does) and was so impressed that I started looking at other stuff the author has worked on. Turns out THIS guy created a ZFS snapshot application that looks really promising. I've not done anything other than look through the repo but I like what I see so far and wanted to share. Tagging @Sonic @Theo and @PsychoWards because of the thread comments in THIS post. While not totally on topic to that thread, it made me remember that I should share this content.
  8. https://aoostar.com/blogs/news/the-aoostar-wtr-max11bay-is-about-to-meet-you-all This looks like it could be really fun. It's more than what I need but I bet this things sells really well. BTW - who uses SFP at home?
  9. Fantastic content - really!
  10. Dude, you just noodled through an installation via TrueNAS, which is non-trivial, and ended up with a working configuration - congrats! Thank you for your thorough follow up. I am going to add your post as a place holder in our Directory of Guides until or unless a more complete installation write up is submitted - which I totally hope you contribute towards! Thanks again!!
  11. @kickhiminthenards Okay, I'm kinda shooting from the hip here, so please bear with me. It sounds like a mapping & permissions issue. My fellow mod @Theo posted a really great tutorial on how to install RADARR which I just followed this past weekend. In it, he shows how certain directories need to be created and "mapped" for the app - in this case radarr - along with setting certain permissions. Because Handbrake will be similarly run as a container I suspect there are parallels here. THIS video shows how to install Handbrake in docker (container) and maybe there are some clues as to how to properly configure Handbrake installation via TrueNAS. I hope this is even a little helpful and if I'm off-base here, my apologies - totally not trying to send you down the wrong path, only help figure out how to pull this off. If you DO make some progress, please keep this thread updated as I'm certain others would LOVE your feedback. Best of luck!!
  12. I agree that this would be a nice feature. You can do this now via the TrueNAS UI by going to Datasets, which will show you the amount occupied by each folder (Movies, Shows etc.)
  13. @KaTaz Def check out our SHOW & TELL forum and @ubergeek is a hardware ninja who may be able to help.
  14. Hi @kickhiminthenards - Do you mean identify as in cannot "see" folders or cannot be accessed? If you can browse to a specific path in TrueNAS you should be able to point an app to that path/location. Access to a given folder is, as you've touched upon, another story and likely a permissions issue.
  15. @Sonic That is significant and sounds like it was fun to build out over time. I think embracing small form factor devices, especially today, just makes sense for home environments. I had my little Netgear ReadyNAS for 10 years and just kind of forgot about it until I realized it was time to upgrade it. When I did, I also realized there were some REALLY cool products out there that are far more tailored to home use the before, like the Aoostart WTR Pro and HexOS. And here we are. I'd really like to keep in touch with you on this topic. I have a similar configuration in mind. My Aoostar AMD device wont arrive until later this month or even early April and I still have to get a few more drives but ultimately, this also what I am looking to deploy.
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