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Everything posted by ehrie

  1. Well looks like you cracked it for sure. I think the issue is in the 568 user itself. I have had odd issues in Dockge with that user getting access denied to things it really should not. I figured it was something I did, but now it might actually be right there.
  2. Ah as your reply was directly after mine and nothing was quoted, I thought it was directed at me. My mistake.
  3. I think we are talking about two very different things. I am talking about the container unifi-protect-backup that you can find in the Discover Apps section in TrueNAS.
  4. Glad to be of help. o7
  5. What did you do get it going and did you check the plex logs to ensure it actually is working rather than appearing like it is, but in actuality falling back to the cpu for transcoding?
  6. Where are you backing up to and if it's on your NAS what is your rclone remote setting? I can't get to back up to anywhere, but the container it's in. Any rclone remote I throw at it either doesn't work or a get an access denied when it tries to move the files where I want it to go.
  7. Any of you played around with unifi protect backup and gotten it to work to back up to your nas?
  8. There's been a few forums threads here about that exact error, including mine. No solution known. For some reason with hexos on top of truenas, truenas can see the arc gpus, but something is stopping them from accessing them, or atleast that is the going theory. I gave up and bought an nvidia card which just works.
  9. Dockge is much easier to use than i thought and I one button push for deploying gluten, my entire arr stack and qbittorent is really nice.
  10. Oops this was posted in the wrong Applications sub forum. Can it be moved?
  11. Has anybody managed to get this to work? I am lost. The app doesn't seem to be able to see the rclone remote I create(when starting the app it always stops saying there is no rclone remote named 'unifi' or whatever i choose to name it)and I don't know how to go about fixing it. I imagine it must be some sort of permission issue, maybe? I am just spitballing there. Any help would be appreciated.
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