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Makani Kai

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  1. I am, but I don’t do much with it. Mostly I just take a Baofeng camping in case I need emergency communication. But that’s slowly becoming not an issue anymore. My iPhone does SMS texting over satellite, for example. I would talk to people but there’s like nobody my age on the air. I feel like I missed a fun era
  2. I have this working on Unraid right now but it’s a real pain. I had to write a series of bash scripts that set up a bunch of rules in iptables and configure port forwarding with my VPN provider, then write the port to a file, which one of my docker containers reads from with another custom script… and for any docker containers using the VPN rules, I have written health scripts which make sure I don’t ever change to the wrong IP (in which case they immediately terminate). Then of course there’s cron jobs that continually check if the port changes or the connection drops, so it can reconnect. It’s really really hard to manage and maintain all of this. I really wish it was as simple as clicking a couple buttons.
  3. Unfortunately it looks like it’s true, I got down and looked under the footwell and if you put your left foot on the foot rest and slide it up, it goes right into the connector lmao… and it’s pretty easy to slide your foot up there without thinking about it. I’d love to look under a 2025 footwell and see if they put a shield there. As for my car, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Maybe I’ll 3D print something that can go over the connector and protect it from my foot. I’d like to say it’s as simple as “well don’t kick it anymore”, but I keep catching myself sliding my foot up near the connector without realizing it while driving. Maybe my seat needs adjusted..
  4. I got my IONIQ 5 back today. Apparently there’s a connector down by your left foot that is easy to kick and break. That’s how my car got stuck in park. I’ve read multiple accounts of it online now that I know what happened. There’s nothing between your foot and this sensitive part 😵‍💫
  5. Just about every IONIQ 5 I've heard about has had issues. The 2022 and lower models, and some of the 2023s, have had massive electrical issues (e.g. the car would stop charging the 12V battery, yes there's still a 12V... so everything would die) and Hyundai has had a very hard time fixing it. They keep doing recalls to try to fix/prevent it with software. Feels like I have to take it in for a software update every month because you can't update it at home. It takes like a couple hours usually, and I just have to sit around in the shop or take a walk or something. Anyway they are clearly new to the EV game. That said, the cars are VERY FUN to drive when they are working lol. The instant torque is seriously addicting. I am rooting for them to figure it out in the future.
  6. Thank you friend :3 The wheels are a pretty recent addition, the OEM ones looked pretty weak sauce
  7. That looks like a solid build! If it were me I might add an additional front fan in that empty spot I think is for a fan.
  8. I’m going to reach out to a lawyer and try to end the lease tbh. It’s already a terrible deal and now I can’t even use it anymore :C
  9. I have a 1998 Mercury Mountaineer and a 2023 Hyundai IONIQ 5 EV (leased). The IONIQ is so fun to drive, but recently it broke down (lost communication with the shift-by-wire actuator, so it could not leave park). It's been in the shop for over a month, Hyundai has no idea what is wrong. New parts have not been able to fix it. :') The Mountaineer is still doing great though!! Horrible gas mileage in comparison xD The IONIQ was getting equivalent of 100+MPG (using cost as the comparison), the Mountaineer gets 14 on a good day.
  10. That looks great dude, nice work
  11. Thanks! Here’s the webpage for it: https://www.chafarmer.nl/thee-bestellen/zwarte-thee/smoked-whisky-black/ I gotta try to find an alternative in USA
  12. Do you have a link to that smoky tea by chance? Or a name? Sounds interesting to try
  13. There's snow on the ground here. I went out barefoot to grab something from the yard and it felt like my feet went completely numb real quick. It makes me jealous of animals who can just trot around like it's nothing. But I guess that's why we have shoes lol
  14. I’m rarely having tea or coffee. I’m a Coke Zero sorta person. But it’s probably not good for me
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