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Everything posted by WhyCheese

  1. Yeah sad that no import function in hexos. Only option is to import through truenas and don't use hexos because it will delete everything on drives on setup.
  2. Looks choatic, i like it. What are you using encoding for? Using VM via truenas maybe?
  3. Many forum platforms have this feature. Would be usefull for people to find solutions easier. Maybe "solved" flair? For now i had created few topics and they are now solved. For example
  4. It's very usefull, i really like to have whole server anywhere. But as noob i was expecting that anyone with no TailScale software can access my server shared files using TailScale IP for example http://tailscale-ip-adress-off-myserv:420/immich/sharedfile.mp4. Yeah security issue and all that...
  5. ohhh :(( Only option is to "report" my own post for dublication which is awkward and feels like admiting some kind of crime which i commited. But for now i think it's ok to keep this post until little issue is fixed 🤗 Ninja edit: U know who has more than 8 characters? Marvel.
  6. For example installing and configuring raw truenas and hexos. How much diference it is for you? Maybe you used other than truenas software? If you used truenas only, why you choose hexos on top of it? Myselft i tried only "OpenMedia Vault" wich was confusing at the time for that sort of thing.
  7. Found it. I think my post can be closed/deleted now. Can't delete or even edit it.
  8. At hexos dash... Any reason why? SMB issues?
  9. As i can't edit this post: from immich i can download only compressed videos. Not ok for me.
  10. +one for this. No idea where to find immich media files easily.
  11. For example hexos OS drive fails and i get new one with same os or truenas. Do setup promts option to delete all files? how to avoid that? If want to use files...
  12. Just got repeater and it works, guess it's only one workaround for now. I think there should be hack to use USB as ethernet source as pluging my phone to share home wifi, would be more confortable for me.
  13. Mega* respect if you can try extender. EDIT: Giga
  14. Sounds promising, maybe will buy to try as they about 20€ . But not sure if it fully work because i tried to network share wifi through phone USB (i can see hexos on other devices but can't see folder and install apps.). Thinking similar logic appliest to non USB wifi sharing.
  15. This feature would make hexos more unique. As i understand truenas doesn't support it in any way. I would sacrifice speed for wifi feature and would love to hear some workarounds.
  16. Congrats for working setup! You have WiFi mobo but you use lan cable to connect to router?
  17. Search is under "Activity" > "Search". Found it accidentally. However i have some issues on posts editing/media deletion...
  18. EDIT: Just found search under "Activity" > "Search".
  19. Noticed that i can edit posts right before posting but after some no option to edit/remove them. What if someone posts some sensitive information? They can't remove post themself?
  20. FAQ states that 2-core 64-bit CPU, 8GB of memory, and a 16GB or larger SSD boot device is required. However i installed on 4gb ram laptop on first try. Stupid use case but it works and detects at dashboard. Just install. Will try later on other systems.
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