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Mobius last won the day on March 11

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  1. i think in an older post he said he wanted both ecc memory support and av1 decoding.
  2. since you want to do ssds you probably want an lsi 9305-8i or higher number card and you want to make sure you buy one that is in I.T mode.
  3. Theoretically yes but i have no idea what permissions need to be changed. as far as i know hexos does not touch that Yes that should be fine
  4. i would probably use the TN scale guide. you can connect to it with tailscale. im not to familiar with reverse proxies myself so maybe someone else can better inform you.
  5. this is a very dated answer and the team has since change their stance on this. They realized that there are a lot more people that want to migrate from truenas to HexOS than they anticipated and plan to add migration in the future
  6. the apps on your hexos server work locally when your phone is not on the same network it cannot connect to the apps on your server. if you setup something like tailscale you would be able to see your apps even when you aren't on wifi. Hexos is still in beta so a lot of things are still reliant on truenas ui, fingers crossed in the future things will be very different.
  7. jeez 3tb of ram sounds insane
  8. i haven't looked too deeply into it so maybe the docker version i found was a fan port
  9. Are your sure? There is a docker version
  10. Still no update at this time but an updated roadmap should be coming out soon
  11. I'm a tad worried about the cpu, it's a quad core without hyper threading. But you probably can't do much better for the price and it meets your minimum requirements
  12. i think a lot of users would like that feature. Fingers crossed we get something like that in the future
  13. You do need a separate os drive, i recommend the cheapest ssd you can find for that. If it doesn't have to be a mini pc, a used optiplex might be a good fit for you. Foundry vtt recommends 2 cores just for it so aim for something with 4 or 6 cores at least.
  14. You can mix drive sizes but every drive in a raid pool will be treated as if they are the same size as the smallest drive (mixed size z1 pool will have to be done via the true nas interface) You cannot add a smaller drive to a raidZ pool later, same size or larger only. You also cannot turn a z1 pool into a z2 pool. Only "freedom" we have us slowly replacing every drive with a bigger one, once every drive is replaced the system should automatically increase the size of the pool. We pretty much have the same capabilities as truenas scale
  15. what a great deal access to inexpensive ecc memory is such a huge boon for actual server grade hardware i think i dropped around $300 for new 4x48gb sticks of ddr5 non ecc ram. @ubergeek check facebook marketplace and craigslist. i tend to have better luck with fb. i also would just get whatever clock speeds are available as ram speeds aren't too important with truenas/hexos. More than likely you'll be bottle necked somewhere else
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