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  1. I'm still pretty new to a lot of this. I was wondering if it's possible to have my system use UPnP to make the game servers I'm hosting visible, without me having to manually forward every single port, or have a DMZ... I have a Xiaomi router, and it only allows pretty limited port forwarding or a DMZ
  2. Personal bias towards science degree aside. I have never personally seen any computer system use fahrenheit It would probably be pretty simple to do (I think, I'm not a programmer), but for the most part °C just kinda makes sense for computers, it's like a percentage of how much of a problem temperature is 0 = problematically good 25 = very good 50 = normal 75 = warm 100 = problem
  3. This image. It spark a primal fear deep within my very being. If there is a god. They have definitely forsaken this image. Sins have been commited that generations will speak of, stories will be told and folklore spread through eons. Of the one who has eyes, but does not see, who has ears but does not hear and has knowledge, but does not know. May there be mercy on those weary souls who stumble upon this sight.
  4. This does seem rather old, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. It could just be that there has been no need to update it
  5. Yeah. That is true For the most part, unless there's an actual problem, there isn't really a need to access the the terminal. Other than like manually updating and verifying files, which I'm pretty sure the containers do on startup And any "advanced" configuration is done in the LGSM config file
  6. I'm not quite sure if it would be better to have each server as its own individual app or one universal app where you can choose the server during setup... The former would make one-click installs easier, but the latter would probably be easier to implement
  7. LinuxGSM is a way to easily install, run and manage game servers. They can either be installed natively in Linux, or as Docker Containers They have an easy to configure config file that's similar across all games, they have features to easily install, update, validate and manage servers, with support for a lot of games. I've personally been using it for years to host person servers and it's relatively easy to manually set up a custom app or yaml file in TrueNAS, especially since it only needs you to mount one storage location [/data] and everything is easily accessible inside there. to pick a game, you just select the version of the docker container. For example: gameservermanagers/gameserver:csgo Will make a CS:GO server, but changing the tag to :cs2 will download and create a CS:2 server, etc... Having a one click installer or an app with an easy configuration would make things incredibly simple for most users, and thanks to how they're configured it (might, I'm not a developer, pls don't shoot me) be easy to implement. Important Links: https://linuxgsm.com/ https://github.com/GameServerManagers attached are the example compose and config files for a CSGO server. docker-compose-csgo.yml _default.cfg
  8. Update:
  9. I've managed to get a (mostly) functional version of amp running inside a docker custom app and a compose script using THIS DOCKER CONTAINER Things to keep in mind: THIS IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE DEVS. Use host networking for best results, webui/portal is on port 8080, you NEED a valid license key, the MAC address step is not needed on TrueNAS with host networking (as far as I can tell), expect jank
  10. I was on my way to suggest this exact thing lmao In my (very smooth) brain, it sounds rather simple, all of the containers only use /data for all their files, so it's only one thing that needs mounting, and the folder structure is laid out pretty similarly. I've been using them to run my game servers for years. As for amp, as much as I like it, theirs a reason they haven't released an official docker image for it, something about nested docker containers and port forwarding not playing nice if I remember correctly.
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