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  1. fixed the problem @HomeHosted was right i had to wipe the drives in Truenas. to login in Truenas you have to use the default username "truenas_admin" that i did not now. it would be a great idea to put a wipe function in hexos when you create a pool in the storage tab. thanks for the support.
  2. So I now have 2 SSDs that show up after I reinstalled hexos, but now it doesn't want to create a pool, I think because the disks aren't empty. Then I wanted to log in to treunas via the link from the settings tab, but it doesn't want to accept my credentials. Because I didn't have any free time anymore I didn't get any further, I'll start working on it again soon Do you have a tip on how I can get into treunas the easiest way?
  3. Hi Dylan good question i did restart it several times with no result I have 3 drives in the system boot drive is an old 320 gb hard drive true sata 2 SSD's one true sata and the other one PCI slot with a nvme drive i'm going to try and reseat the drives. thanks. PS. i now its a odball system 🙂 if it wont work i'm going to order two 4TB harddrives
  4. Hexos asked if i wanted to creat a pool from 2 different SSD's one 240 GB en the other 256 GB . It looked like it would work. Now it,s not seeing the drives at all in hexos or the pool. Is it a priority to have 2 drives exactly the same ? Or what did I do wrong? Sow I,m a newby but so far it's really easy to use 😁 happy with the investment of hexos.
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