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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/25 in Posts

  1. Just wanted to provide a quick update on this feature in particular. We are going to try to add this in for Q1 along with a few other big updates to be announced soon.
    6 points
  2. I always burn in my disks for 100+ hours so that music sounds better when I stream the files from them. Sometimes I'll do it in the presence of certain crystals if I'm trying to emphasize certain frequency ranges for specific genres.
    5 points
  3. To add to @ubergeek's I have it on good authority that there is a pretty big "state of the union" style update coming at some point in the near to middle distant future. Should cover everything that has happened since the early access launch back in November. Don't expect it tomorrow, a week or two would be a more reasonable guess. Don't quote me on this though. @jonp is a VERY busy dude these days πŸ˜…
    4 points
  4. Hey folks. Just want to share the the HexOS team is aware of the IntelARC GPU passthrough issue and has a test system being used to try and ID and diag/resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.
    4 points
  5. It is a must these days to have TailScale support, especially for secure remote access. It is far too easy to mess up a WireGaurd/OpenVPN Config, if the goal is security and simplicity, Tailscale VPN access should be a high priority.
    4 points
  6. Hello, not sure if it was requested already, but a curation for the "Actual Budget" app would be greatly appreciated. I found it by looking at the apps tab, and did some more research on it and i would love to switch to it instead of my current app of Quicken since I pay yearly to use it. I think it would help many nowadays due to inflation. Thanks!
    3 points
  7. This is a good background artikel. Thanks! It’s always good that you really understand the stuff you working with. In my opinion this is also the reason why TrueNas has a pretty steep learning curve. You have to understand the basics of ZFS and the authorization model, before you can configure the right options. To be honest, I am still not really comfortable in TrueNas. With a few guides from the internet I got my TrueNas setup up and running. But after that I change as less as possible πŸ˜€ This is exactly the reason I like the concept of HexOs. Rock solid TrueNas / ZFS in the background and easy config in the front end
    3 points
  8. Update: I got Intel iGPU HW decoding to work. I really do think this has to do with file/folder with permissions when installing from HexOS UI. I installed Plex (plex pass image) from the TrueNas Scale UI Setup the User ID and Group ID to 569 (becasue my original Plex install was using 568) Web Port 32401 (again becasue original Plex install was using 32400) Checked off "Host Network" Set up the Data, and Cofiguration Storage locations all as ixVolume (Dataset created automatically by the system) Setup Logs and Transcode Storage as Temporary (Temporary directory created on the disk) Add additional storage locations. In my case I only use Plex for Movies and TV shows so if you need Pictures, Videos, etc.. add those as well Type (Host path that already exists on the system) Mount Path /Movies Host Path /mnt/HDDs/Movies The make one for Shows Type (Host path that already exists on the system) Mount Path /Shows Host Path /mnt/HDDs/Shows select your options for CPU and Memody dont forget to check Passthrough available for (non Nvidia GPUs) Next we need to make a new User and Group in True NAS so navigate to Credentials then Users Name it whatever you want "Plex 2" in my case disable password UID 569 Uncheck Create New Primary Group Primary group select apps home directory /mnt/HDDs/Aplications I clicked ALL the permissions for Read Write and Execute Unclick SMB User Save Now we need to create a Group In TrueNAS navigate to Credentials then Groups GID 569 Add Local Administrator to the Privelages selection The Last thing we need to do is give our user and group 569 access to the SMB shares on TrueNAS Navigate to Datasets in TrueNAS then Movies click edit on the permissions button Now add Item Who is set to User User is set to whatever you named your User in the previous step. In my case it is "Plex2" it shoud be in the drop down list. under permissions select Full Control Click Apply permissions Recursively and confisr the selection then continue. Now add another item Who is set to Group Group is set to whatever you named your Group in the previous step. In my case it is "Plex2" it shoud be in the drop down list. under permissions select Full Control Click Apply permissions Recursively and confisr the selection then continue. Now click Save Access Control List. You should now be able to launch your Plex app and go toyour transcode settings, select your iGPU and transcode hapily ever after!! If this doesnt wor for you i would also try changing the permissions in the aplications forlder for your plex user. it is my understanding that inorder to transcode plex needs to be able to execute commands and unpack folders it downloads inorder to be able to HW transcode. but im not 100% sure.
    3 points
  9. There is this one on the main web page https://hexos.com/blog/the-road-to-10 I can tell you working with the mods and Jonp there is a lot of moving parts the HexOs crew / devs are doing to get things rolling. It will be a process for them but I can tell you they are working to make sure the upcoming updates and Alpha release will be solid.
    3 points
  10. Laughs in Darkness.. All jokes aside Ill put it in to look at this issue.
    2 points
  11. I was reading THIS arsTECHNICA article on ZFS (as one usually does) and was so impressed that I started looking at other stuff the author has worked on. Turns out THIS guy created a ZFS snapshot application that looks really promising. I've not done anything other than look through the repo but I like what I see so far and wanted to share. Tagging @Sonic @Theo and @PsychoWards because of the thread comments in THIS post. While not totally on topic to that thread, it made me remember that I should share this content.
    2 points
  12. Look's nice, be curious to see what chipsets it comes with though + how it'll compare to the Ugreen DXP6800 or DXP8800.
    2 points
  13. So it took two weeks for what every reason. But i got such a great deal that I do not care 8 sticks of dual rank 16gb DDR4 ECC. I got it for 70 buck in the last 3 weeks there has been some good deals on eBay for both memory and used SAS drives. So happy!
    2 points
  14. Still no update at this time but an updated roadmap should be coming out soon
    2 points
  15. we have a virtual machine manager as part of our roadmap. No idea when we can expect it though.
    2 points
  16. Thank you for your feedback @PsychoWards and @Sonic. I saw your other post about running HexOS as Proxmox VM and specifically your comment about how much of the HW is under utilized. Since the larger device may only be for backups and perhaps one other use case, this presents opportunity. I'll keep the forum(s) updated as I get closed to actual deployment but this was a good first round of insight.
    2 points
  17. Pretty much exactly what @Sonic says. Hexos in a VM only makes sense if you want to run multiple OS on the same machine and if the VMs are the important part for you. If you primarily want a NAS and running other OS in a VM is not important and the built-in apps are enough for you, go bare metal there is no point in going down the VM part. If, however, VMs are important to you and Hexos is only a piece of your setup and not the most import part, proxmox or similar is the way to go.
    2 points
  18. It really depends on what you want to use your home server for. And of course, your personal preferences. In HexOS/TrueNAS, you can run VMs, but you could also choose a different virtualization platform. This is an interesting article to read: https://b3n.org/truenas-vs-proxmox/ I run HexOS as a Proxmox VM. My main considerations are: HexOS is still in Beta. Running it in a VM allows me to experiment easily, and if something goes wrong, I can restore a backup within minutes. TrueNAS and HexOS are my preferred storage platforms. However, for virtualization, I prefer using Proxmox. Especially in combination with Proxmox Backup Server, which makes for a rock-solid setup. Maximizing hardware usage. Most of the time, a (home) server sits idle. Running multiple services on the same hardware makes better use of resources. One thing to watch out for, especially with SSDs, is the file system you use. If you run ZFS on Proxmox and then again inside a TrueNAS VM, you generate a huge number of write operations, which wears out SSDs quickly. For a test setup, that’s not a big deal, but for long-term use, it’s something to keep in mind. I’ve set up SATA passthrough in Proxmox, so my HexOS VM can access the HDDs directly (as if HexOS were running on bare metal).
    2 points
  19. Video was great. In my town we have a store call Skycraft that sales stuff from all the Lockheed Martian and NASA, SpaceX just all kinds of stuff over the years I have gotten so much cool things from there. If I would have had that store back in the 70 and 80's I would have never had to go to Radio Shack. Just picked up a 4U computer case rack mount for 20 bucks going to rip everything out a turn it into a 36 bay JBOD for my r730xd. HexOS will rule them all HA!!!
    2 points
  20. https://cryptomator.org/ is open and looks like a cool way to store files i just watched a youtube video about it and it dosnt look that hard to use ....,. just and idea i wanted to know or if you been thinking about adding something like this to hex os later the second one is a simple add a roadmap so users can see what your working on and what to expect later with updates and the finale one is you should add plex to the store here it is supported already maybe you could get some referral link money if you do the last one tell me and ill buy plex finally lol
    2 points
  21. we have a roadmap here in a blogpost. An updated one will be coming in the not too distant future. joining their partner program is an interesting suggestion, i can pass on your suggestion but no promises it'll go anywhere. it's an interesting program and something like it may be considered after we leave beta.
    2 points
  22. Thank you so much @Tamaluko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also was able to get my igpu (i5-13400) working in plex for transcoding after following your instructions. The only thing I didn't follow was the new user step, so thank you as well @Master-spud for reporting 568 still worked. Was really starting to feel like I was running in circles before I found this thread.
    2 points
  23. Thought @ubergeek might get a smirk out of this...
    2 points
  24. Great question! Because I have limited needs, just a storage device with basic streaming capabilities, I use HexOS on the daily - mainly Plex. However, this is just part of my larger effort to build out a home solution that will eventually replace paid-for services that have increasingly risen is price and are more inclusive of advertisements (I LOATH ads with a perfect hatred). I am attempting to time my efforts with HexOS maturation. Which is to say as HexOS gains in features, I look to increase my DIY replacement of paid-for services. I know not everyone has the same timeline, level of effort, risk tolerance etc.. as I do, but that's why I jumped in early. I keep backups, try to contribute to this community and help where I can to see where this is going.
    2 points
  25. @MagnusSt From the console or shell, run "sudo zpool status HDDs -v", it will show you more detail, it's takes a long time, and is done per drive. If your pool name is not HDDs, change as needed
    2 points
  26. Here is a good jumping off point: LINK
    2 points
  27. The point of a HDD burn-in is exactly that, to catch manufacturer defects (usually bad physical sectors) before you write your data to it, especially if you choose to use refurbished drives. It's not witchcraft it's just an extra step one can take to try and be proactive to HDD health instead of reactive to bad HDD health.
    2 points
  28. Yeah the more I browsed on Amazon I noticed I could get a Patriot Memory 128GB ssd for 13 bucks... So I'll probably just get a pair of those and mirror them. If one fails I'll replace it with something fancier. But I might try the USB drive anyways now just out of curiousity. I'll report back with findings, for SCIENCE!
    2 points
  29. Thanks, I do also like it a lot so far and the the rack will be getting a bit emptier in the future when I don't need the Synology any longer. Also liking HexOS so far but as it is not time-critical yet I am still sticking with the Synology for now and not diving fully into getting everything operational as I am still waiting to see which of the applications I will need will be supported directly by HexOS and which I will have to get running on my own. But it is fun to have something to tinker with in the meantime.
    2 points
  30. I'm in agreement with @PsychoWards and @ubergeek
    2 points
  31. I believe integrating Home Assistant with HexOS could be a game-changer for the operating system, offering functionality that is sorely lacking in almost all other OS platforms today. A Home Assistant integration would allow users to monitor and manage their NAS more effectively. Imagine being able to track critical metrics such as system uptime, array health, disk health checks, and the overall status of your storage systems β€” all from within Home Assistant. Furthermore, adding control features would significantly enhance the user experience. It would be fantastic if users could automate tasks like rebooting or stopping/starting applications, VMs, or containers directly through Home Assistant. Additionally, automating disk spin-downs during off-peak hours for power savings would be a powerful and eco-friendly feature. The potential of Home Assistant integration is vast, and it's difficult to fully capture all the possibilities in a single topic. However, the core idea is simple: having such an integration, with continuous updates and new features, would be a major advantage for HexOS. While most other operating systems either lack similar functionality or offer only basic, limited capabilities, HexOS could stand out by providing a more comprehensive, user-friendly, and flexible solution.
    2 points
  32. Feature Suggestion: UPS Integration for Automatic Shutdown Enable Hexos to natively support UPS devices for automatic safe shutdown during power outages. β€’ Benefits: Prevent data loss, monitor power status, and improve reliability. β€’ Implementation: Integrate protocols like apcupsd or NUT for broad UPS compatibility and allow configurable shutdown actions. Would you like help submitting this suggestion? support UPS devices for automatic safe shutdown during power outages. β€’ Benefits: Prevent data loss, monitor power status, and improve reliability. β€’ Implementation: Integrate protocols like apcupsd or NUT for broad UPS compatibility and allow configurable shutdown actions. Would you like help submitting this suggestion?
    2 points
  33. Tailscale delivered in an Ansible deliverable that unpacks through HexOS is my vision. HexOS is the killer app for Tailscale, and vice versa.
    2 points
  34. Hey all, as the name implies I would like to see a simple checkbox to make folders available via nfs. As a bonus a list of IP ranges that are allowed to access the share would be perfect. The user mapping to the user owning the folder so that I do not need to care about permissions and just access the data via NFS could be handled automatically as a default. Please feel free to ask for clarification and to add your ideas below!
    1 point
  35. In the end HexOS turned into more of a TrueNAS installer for me. I don't know if that saved me a ton of time and hassle, or if it was more like an hour worth of following a guide instead, but either way getting up and running was very painless. After that, I can't think of a thing HexOS has actually fully supported without needing to pop into TrueNAS. Not even the health status in HexOS can be trusted, which is stil baffling to me. I've been saying I feel it was launched very prematurely, and I maintain that. I'm hoping that it was because they desperately needed cashflow, in which case HexOS could turn out well in the end. If, on the other hand, they felt it was in good shape to launch to early adopters, I would be much less optimistic. Time will tell. I've gotten the NAS to a state where it does the job now, without having done anything to break or confuse HexOS (at least that I can see), so I'm just using it now and seeing what the future brings. It might be HexOS, it might be shedding HexOS and just going pure TrueNAS. In a sense you could say I've shelved HexOS, because there's no reason for me to ever access its interface. If my boot drive exploded today I would probably just install TrueNAS and recover the pool there instead, because HexOS doesn't even offer a way to backup and restore itself (another baffling "nah, we don't need that before releasing" decision), or even recover an existing pool without at least threatening to wipe it in the process. But, technically, HexOS is still on my server, so there's that.
    1 point
  36. I've only been following this guy for about a year and despite his dry delivery find his content easily digestible, thorough and informative. Enjoy!
    1 point
  37. Tagging @jonp for visibility.
    1 point
  38. Well once buddy backup arrives that will likely be your best bet. until it arrives your best bet is checking out this page to see what makes most sense for you https://www.truenas.com/docs/scale/gettingstarted/configure/setupbackupscale/
    1 point
  39. On a test machine, I'm booting TrueNAS from a "high endurance" micro sd card in a usb adapter. The manufacturer's datasheet claims an endurance of 170TBW but I've only been using it for a month and a half, so we will just have to see.
    1 point
  40. all of my drives are burned in. They are all well used lol
    1 point
  41. Hey, I just did 24h Mem Test, to be sure that the Memory is stable, but I didn't do any HDD burn in. My data is coming from a working NAS and I still have multiple copies of the imported files and I'm running a RaidZ2, so I'm taking my chances and hope that I'm not gonna lose 3 drives at the same time πŸ™‚ Technically, I would need to loose at least 9 drives in various different NAS all at the same time before I start loosing my most important data. So yes, a dead drive is really more a nuisance at this point then a real issue with my current setup.
    1 point
  42. Small word of caution: By starting with only 2 drives you won't have the ability to add more to the pool later via RAIDz Expansion. That's totally fine, I just want to make sure that if you are imagining expanding your pool later you know that you will have to completely rebuild it to add the 3rd drive, since it has to change from a mirror to ZFS. IMO that's probably the one thing I would have changed about the initial LTT video would have been to have them use 3 drives to start.
    1 point
  43. no updates after 2 months! not looking great is it. a beta should be getting updates often what are we paying for again?
    1 point
  44. The "Get started" button in the website goes to relative path "#earlyaccess". This does not work in some of your nested pages, like the blog one e.g. https://hexos.com/blog/the-road-to-10#earlyaccess Not a big deal, just a FEnder nitpick
    1 point
  45. "Mom, get the camera!"
    1 point
  46. Also worth mentioning is that during HexOS installation, I noticed you can checkbox multiple drives for installation. I assume this creates a mirror pool of boot drives, thus giving you redundancy. After installation, it looks like you can add a second drive to the boot pool in TrueNAS (which is what I'll have to try, since I did not have an extra nvme when I first installed and I can't be bothered to reinstall at this point unless I really have to).
    1 point
  47. I believe so if you look under coming soon here https://hexos.com/blog/the-road-to-10
    1 point
  48. Definitely want to see MFA as well. Integration with the Yubikey ecosystem would be excellent.
    1 point
  49. Got it, I wanted to use an older 128GB SSD to not waste my larger ones but looks like is better if I use the more reliable larger ones
    1 point
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