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Don't forget to image you OS installation media - redundancy saves blood pressure (at least at my age 🙃)3 points
Hey @Ioannis Hexos/Truenas is using ZFS and not normal RAID, meaning there is different wording and numbers involved in describing the different redundancy modes. ZFS Raids are called as fallowing: Stripe: similar to Raid0 (the Data is split across 2 drives, if 1 drive dies you lose everything) Mirrored: similar to Raid1 (the Data is mirrored on both drives you can loose 1 drive) RaidZ1: similar to Raid5 (you need at least 3 drives and can loose 1 drive without loosing data) RaidZ2: you can loose 2 drives without loosing data RaidZ3: you can loose 3 drives. As you see Raid1 and RaidZ1 are very different things and in this forum you will most likely only find the ZFS naming schema and I will use it in this post as well. Already today, during the installation, or afterwards in Truenas, you can create mirrored boot drives with 2 drives, this is supported out of the box and not difficult to setup at all. If you want to have the piece of mind just chuck in an additional 256GB NVME SSD in there and you are good to go. Just avoid HW Raid when using Truenas, let Truenas/ZFS take care of the Raid. Concerning your Networking, it appears that Realtek NICs are not supported, that might be why your motherboard ethernet port isn't working. If this is the case you can check if you can install a PCIe network card, an USB network card is not the optimal solution. If you only use 2 drives, Hexos will create a mirrored Pool which you cannot extend afterwards. Once you have a mirrored Pool you are stuck with 2 drives. You might want to consider adding a 3 drive now, to create a RaidZ1 Pool, have 12TB of usable storage and still have the ability to extend in the future (which you might not need, but it's worth considering since once you go with the mirrored pool you are stuck with it) Dual Boot with Windows, what is your use case? I suppose if it's your family NAS your family want to be uploading/browsing there images, or watch movies using plex all the time, they don't take it to kindly if they cannot watch their movies because you need to do sth. in Windows. I would suggest running Windows in a VM in Hexos/Truenas if this would be a valid approach. Concerning SSH into Linux/Truenas, you first need to enable ssh for your user/truenas admin, enable ssh itself and then you can use putty or the onboard windows terminal using: ssh truenas_admin@<Hexos-IP> And then enter your password and you are connected via SSH with the server.2 points
I'd like to see a future feature of creating a bonded interface within the deck, and then if interfaces are in a bond you have the option to hide them from the dash so you just see the bond. I would also like the ability to hide other NICs, too. I have a BMC NIC that is showing up, which really doesn't need to be on my dashboard. Thanks!1 point
The 128GB ECC Memory would be a compelling argument for the server HW (but unfortunately the only compelling you, but a good one)1 point
TL,DR: As @PsychoWards says, I am also expecting the HEXOS developers to create a tool for importing existing pools, and in the meanwhile if you reinstall HEXOS, as long as your pool is not damaged, TrueNAS will see the pool. My long story below: I am far from an expert, but I already had to deal with that, by doing what @PsychoWards describes above. Warning, below is not a guide, bur rather an account/journey of my exploration. After freshly installing HEXOS, I happened to get an error on my storage pool and Since my storage did not had any data at that point plus I did not know how to remake anew the storage pool (actually it is easy through HEXOS, but I was stupid back then) so I decided to reinstall HEXOS Now because of an error (which unfortunately I did not record so I cannot shared with the developers) HEXOS although it could see my drives, it could not make a new pool from them, without any explanation I decided to goof around, and I went to the TrueNAS interface - since I had nothing to lose anyway to do that, you go to you HEXOS settings, https://deck.hexos.com/settings and then I selected TrueNAS. It's quite obvious the "connection to the site is considered not secure", so you need to go advance options and select to procced to the page anyway On the TrueNAS logging screen Username: truenas_admin Password: <here you need to use the password you set up during the installation> Going forward, I suggest you search for real guides on TrueNAS. but since you are here, that's what I did. I went to Storage - https://<your server's ip>/ui/storage and among the options there, you have "import pool" and "create pool" You would need to go "import pool" and follow a proper guide - I went for "create pool" and tried to make a new pool TrueNAS gave me a wardning when I selected the drives, that there was already a pool there, so even there I got a warning of an existing pool now in my case the journy ended there, because Truenas could not create a new pool, but this is related to the error I mentioned before, the one I stupidly didn't recorded. in your case, you would not have this problem. TrueNAS would see your pool, and (i assume) by importing it you would be able to get all your data back1 point
i would with the i7 just for the newer version of quick sync and the igpu1 point
Schweizer Franken, not that uncommon of a currency 🙂1 point
its for data that i wouldn't mind losing and not worth the cost of redundancy1 point
Thank you so much @PsychoWards. Much appreciated for the detailed explanations and suggestions. Everything you wrote seems to click in place like a perfectly placed Lego. In the near future, I will go and work over everything you said with diligence. The "for the moment status": I had only heard of ZFS, without understanding the significance and difference with Raid. Thanks for letting me know. I will do as you say for the boot drive, getting a second and letting the OS to handle it. For the networking card, Iwill think it strongly. I was also leaning into that idea. My geeky side wants so much to have the ability to extend the drive pool, but my rational side says "no, not yet at least" because: Last 9 years I accumulated less than 2TB, thus I expect the 6TB that I have available in the current mirrored pool to last at least another 5-7 years. After 5-7 years, I am expecting to accumulate some experience with this current built-NAS, and I will be happy to make a new project then. Conciquently investing in a newer, better and more power efficient system. Or maybe not. To be seen. Currently, I wish to restrict everything within this office PC i bought, and I cannot put more 3.5" drives in there. But again, thanks for pointing this out, because although I had already decided on that, I did not know of it (when I was making the decision) and now I know better!!! As for the windows machine. I want the option to run a complicated server, that someone compiled for a windows machine. Maybe i will never do it. Thanks for letting me know. Reading your answer I now know that "running Windows in a VM in Hexos/Truenas if this would be a valid approach" and I will investigate further on how to VM in Truenas a Windows machine. if not for the server I mentioned, I will make the VW just for the "LOLs" and learning. I never thought about SSH. Now that you mention it though it sounds so naturally, and yes I will look into that soon. I will update the thread once take actions, though it will take time since I have limitted time. so much appreciated❤️1 point
I know that Immich is already a Curated app, but for me, it has the big downside that Users have no e2ee and as an Admin of the Server ill be able to all Files/Photos/Videos a user has uploaded to the NAS. ENTE has e2ee and allows any file uploaded to be encrypted and not be readable by the Admin of the NAS - which is a huge selling point if I want to convince my Family and Friends to finally quit buying iCloud Storage and switch to a home hosted NAS solution. I would like to hear if the Community would be interested if ENTE gets a curated installation, and if the HEXos team maybe already has a plan to add it to the list.1 point
1 point
Thanks for the reply. I will slowly (as I find time) try to adress your points. Seems reasonalbe all you said, and I will check them out. Thank you for the tips @ubergeek1 point
It's not a backup, it's a mirror, meaning everything is stored on both drives at the same time and any change is written to both drives, there is never a delta between both drives. Meaning there is not a first/second drive, it's on both and any one drive can die (or unplug for that matter) and accept Truenas shouting vary angrily at you that 1 drive is missing, everything is still working as if nothing ever happened. You don't even need to do anything at this point, Truenas is handling everything automagically. Once you got a new replacement drive, you put it in, setup the mirror in Truenas/Hexos again and you got full redundancy again.1 point
Hello, If there is one thing I really miss in TrueNAS that is available in QNAP, it is the QFile app in iOS and Android and a Webfiler. It gives the ability to manage most files and folder on the NAS locally so anly the command pass over the network. There are several solutions to manage files and folders within one dataset but that is not what is needed. I hope HexOS can provide something similar to QNAP and Synology. If it is a limitation of ZFS we will have to learn to life with it. Kind regards. Marcus1 point
So to hit on your boot drive redundancy you will need to have a computer that can raid drives together in a raid0/1 configuration. If you are worried about loosing your os drive in the meantime I suggest looking Into a program called urbackup. You can run it on a windows computer and do regularly backups and deployment if you have the os drive fail. If you wanted to dual boot you could if you wanted during install you will have to partition the drive to hold both os versions. It's kinda odd to do it this way but if you need a windows machine I would reccomend building a VM threw the truenas ui for this. If you want to access the Linux side of things to determine the issue with the network I would just load Into the truenas ui and follow the steps. Web UI access: Go to the System Settings section in the TrueNAS web interface and select "Shell" to open a terminal window within the browser.1 point
If you really wanna take the deep dive you can look into UrBackup . I use it for all my computers here at home and at work. Atm it is all going to a off site locations with 1g/1g connection.1 point
I suppose you mean when your boot drive dies how do you recover your data from your data drives? As long as you have not lost more drives then your pool type can recover from, you can chuck the drives into any Truenas, Hexos (once pool import is supported) or any other OS supporting ZFS, import the pools (the ZFS information are all stored on the data drives) and you can access all your data from those drives.1 point
Timing is perfect for this topic. I appreciate you all waiting until 2025 to bring this up. The road to 1.0 blog post was just a way to set our targets out there. We didn't communicate a specific timeline because we honestly had no idea how much to estimate we would sell at launch, which would directly in turn impact our ability to expand the team and impact our timelines. We just felt that, conservatively, we would do well enough to deliver the blog post roadmap in 2025....yeah....we had no idea what was about to happen ;-). Beat our expectations by about 5x. With the success we've had, we just onboarded three new people to the company in the past 30 days, with a goal of bringing on at least two more developers in 2025 as well and potentially a few other admin hires. This has completely thrown our previous "back of the napkin" roadmap out the window. Let's just say, we're not going to be talking about features just for 1.0 anymore. You guys have given us enough runway to plot out PAST 1.0. Give us a little more time to get our bearings as we onboard new staff, prepare new development environments, implement new systems, and role out our first software updates. More communication coming soon.1 point
What about IRC? 🤣 I'm the main mod of /r/HexOS btw, with @jonp and @RobotsNeverDie as the other mods 😊1 point
As on right now if you make a single drive pool using truenas ui as a workaround it breaks hexos. The devs are very much aware we really want this feature and support will come eventually.1 point
If you missed that option (like me 😬) during your install you can also do it after the fact1 point
Can confirm, that's what I did and I have mirrored boot drives working flawlessly.1 point
Hi @planetbob99 - With the TerraMaster F8 SSD Plus there is an internal USB port with a 4GB USB key (its on the CPU side of the motherboard), this houses the install files for the TerraMaster TOS, and you are correct, this is designed to be installed on part of the first NVME that you install. However, as TerraMaster allows for third party OS's to be installed, you can remove TOS USB key and install your own and use it as the primary disk for the OS install, that way all the nvme's can be used for storage. As Truenas recommends an actual drive rather than a USB key, I decided to use a small 2230 nvme within a USB case with a short USB cable with a right angle port, it fits quite well and I have it stuck the the chassis with double sided tape. The only downfall to this approach is the internal USB runs at USB 2.0 speeds. Another approach is you want redundancy and don't mind using the nvme drives would be to reserve nvme port 1 & 2 in a mirror raid and use that for your OS, then you still have 6 nvme's to play with. For me, I just wanted to max out the system 🙂 I'll post a pic when I power off the NAS. It has been running fine for the last couple of weeks, with Plex running in the background with a couple of movies and TV shows. Still plan to wait for V1 before migration.1 point
Hi there and sorry for the trouble you're experiencing. Not sure how your post got deleted but I will look into that. We are aware of this install issue affecting certain users and are looking into a fix. Can you repost your issue and send me a DM with a link to it so I can track it?1 point
Managed to fix the problem. Go into True NAS interface from Settings in Hex. Go to 'Apps' menu, click 'Configuration' drop down button, click 'Choose Pool', select your storage pool then click 'Choose' - the app service will then start, go back to HexOS and install Immich again and all will work.1 point
There are levels of dead when it comes to drives. If it's dead-dead, as in no response to any condition (like plugging it into another machine or use an external powered USB/SATA reader), then unless you've backed it up, your data is gone. However, you may be able to boot from an thumb-drive with something like Dr Parted to see if you can recover from whatever condition or error the drive is suffering from. Moral of the story = backup your boot disk to an external source.1 point
1 point