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List of Supported Cpu's Arm/Amd/Intel?

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Will there be a list page to either check supported chips or view supported devices as this worries me since I use a development board for a nas that runs armv7 and there is sometimes less support for my devices


Hi there! The requirements will be the same as with TrueNAS Scale. A x86 processor is currently the only CPU types that are supported to my knowledge. 

Posted (edited)

It's not really up to the HexOS devs, it's more up to the TrueNAS guys. It was considered and then decided against I believe.

For what it's worth, I completely agree. I'd like ARM to be the default, but until the Enterprise NAS ARM demand rises, it seems unlikely.

Here is a forum post talking about it: https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/truenas-scale-on-arm-2024-thread.117674/

Edited by cake
Posted (edited)

It seems like a forgone conclusion ARM support will be added to TrueNAS at some point. Assuming ARM keeps making inroads into the server market due to the reduce cost from increase power efficiency.

So ARM support is probably a when not if. 

I'd also like ARM so i could throw HexOS on my Helios4.  but I imagine by the time ARM support exists the Helios4 will be too old anyway.

Edited by Psi
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