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31 minutes ago, Element said:

I click install and it looks like its going to but then just gives me install button again

I had this issue before as well, it took a restart of the browser once and a restart of they system the other.  I was tinkering so idk if that is the real fix, or if my issue messed it up and a restart fixed my issue that caused it not to install properly.


I'm having the same issue, Rebooted the server twice and my browser. I also cleared the cache. I'm trying to get both Plex and Immich, neither will install. After the reboots though I have new "Platform folders" : Photos, Media, Music, Movies, Shows, Videos. But the apps only show the option to install. 

Still digging into it but I'll update if I get it running. 


First debug step would be to go into the Truenas ui and watch the running jobs (top right corner) and see what shows / fails as you click install on hex.

Additionally, ensure you created your Hex install with the pools at the same time. some people have created their hex install, skipped the pool creation and this skipped the docker install/setup, meaning apps won't get installed correctly.


Managed to fix the problem. Go into True NAS interface from Settings in Hex. Go to 'Apps'  menu, click 'Configuration' drop down button, click 'Choose Pool', select your storage pool then click 'Choose' - the app service will then start, go back to HexOS and install Immich again and all will work. 

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