Mobius Posted December 11, 2024 Posted December 11, 2024 This post was recognized by Mawson! "Great Idea!" Mobius was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 25 points. There are some great tutorials already Like this or this It would be great if there was a dedicated tutorial section so these don't get hidden. No doubt more tutorials are gonna be incoming as more of us use hexos so itll be great if there is a dedicated spot for them 2 Quote
Dylan Posted December 11, 2024 Posted December 11, 2024 @Mobius I love it. I don't know if this is in the pipeline yet but I support it. If you're willing, maybe curate a list of links as we grow and let's see if it's possible to formally integrate. I can't promise anything other than an honest attempt (and that may already be underway) but I agree that it's worth working towards. Great idea and feedback! 1 Quote
Mobius Posted December 11, 2024 Author Posted December 11, 2024 If i see them i'll for sure try to add them to this thread Quote
jonp Posted December 11, 2024 Posted December 11, 2024 Do you guys think they should just have their own forum or do you think we should create articles based on these? Very open to supporting this. 1 Quote
Theo Posted December 11, 2024 Posted December 11, 2024 2 hours ago, jonp said: Do you guys think they should just have their own forum or do you think we should create articles based on these? Very open to supporting this. For me at minimum these topics need to be very easy to find in the forums / on the core site. As the forum at the moment can be a challenge to search, especially with all the week 1 bloat / repetition. Furthermore, in the Hex UI on the apps there should be a dedicated Help link to take users to documentation / setup guides etc. And if you're hoping to treat the forum as the go too FAQ section, then in the case of apps, they potentially should each have their own sub section to again aid in search-ability. 1 Quote
Dylan Posted December 11, 2024 Posted December 11, 2024 I like where @Theo's heads at here. @Mawson is a ninja in thread management and might have some good insights as well. I think if we could use the forums approach to test, validate and refine the tutorials, that would help ensure a polished product if they were able to be added to the UI. Just a thought. 1 1 Quote
Mobius Posted December 12, 2024 Author Posted December 12, 2024 8 hours ago, jonp said: Do you guys think they should just have their own forum or do you think we should create articles based on these? Very open to supporting this. defintely their own section in the forum. However a shoutout with an article would not be something i'm opposed to. One of the sites i used to frequent gave out a giftcard every month to someone that made a new quality tutorial they liked. I'm not saying monetary rewards are required but i think even a monthly achievement being given out to someone would greatly incentivize making tutorials Quote
Theo Posted December 12, 2024 Posted December 12, 2024 This post was recognized by Mawson! "Excelent Outline!" Theo was awarded the badge 'Great Content' Also another thought, on the top menu items we have Browse, Activity, Store. Potentially another menu item could go here. Let's say 'Setup' or 'Guides' for example. The sub menus could then potentially be something like; Guides / Setup Hex OS Install Download link Bare metal install guide VM install guide Managing Hex Servers Deck console... Local UI Hex local TNS UI System recommendations Hex recommended Community suggestions ... Storage Pools What is ZFS? How to create a Pool Storage 101 Expandable vs Mirror Recommended drives redundancy vs back up snapshots ... Folders + Users Create network share... User & permissions Buddy backup? ... App Installs Plex immich Tailscale The Arr's ect.. Server Settings Network ... A rough example, but you should get the idea. Again, i'd treat this like a managed space where the core information has been curated and moderated as much as possible for existing > new hex users as the main source of truth. From the majority of this content, it can then spill over into the forums to branch into wider conversations, suggestions, FAQ's & fixes. 1 Quote
jonp Posted December 12, 2024 Posted December 12, 2024 Liking a lot of these ideas. 8 hours ago, Theo said: in the Hex UI on the apps there should be a dedicated Help link to take users to documentation / setup guides etc. Completely agree. However, I think we need to think about this deeper. I don't like the idea of these guides living in a forum where the help link in the UI redirects the user here. I think the content needs to be either presentable in a frame on our UI or linkable to an article on our docs. @Magnus may have some ideas on this. He's our creative director and responsible for UI/UX design. 2 hours ago, Mobius said: One of the sites i used to frequent gave out a giftcard every month to someone that made a new quality tutorial they liked. I'm not saying monetary rewards are required but i think even a monthly achievement being given out to someone would greatly incentivize making tutorials I love this. 100% great ideas. 34 minutes ago, Theo said: Also another thought, on the top menu items we have Browse, Activity, Store. Potentially another menu item could go here. Let's say 'Setup' or 'Guides' for example. The sub menus could then potentially be something like... Absolutely doable. Could even integrate that into the product UI. So I think we could make a lot of that contextual. And then you have two ways of accessing the information: Traditional Docs: menu based nav as suggested by @Theo ; accessible via the hub UI help links: contextual links relevant to where the user is looking; accessible via the deck But both should be the same docs. 2 Quote
Theo Posted December 12, 2024 Posted December 12, 2024 (edited) This post was recognized by Mawson! "Mmmm... Graphics." Theo was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 10 points. @jonp Agree on the contextual aspect. i had struggled with the Install of Immich due to the complexities, hence setup guides would have been amazing. FYI documented my issues & frustrations with that install process HERE Additionally, @Magnus couldn't help myself as a designer, here's a quick 2 minute mock up of how you might integrate the above discussion points into your existing UI. But obviously a lot more nuance and context to add for each app etc. Edited December 12, 2024 by Theo 3 Quote
Mobius Posted December 16, 2024 Author Posted December 16, 2024 New tutorial about time machine setup here 1 1 Quote
Mobius Posted December 20, 2024 Author Posted December 20, 2024 new tutorial about enabling recycle bin 2 Quote
PenguinKing Posted December 20, 2024 Posted December 20, 2024 Completely in support of a separate tutorial section. The only thing I think you need to watch our for would be people making multiple tutorials, to solve this you could make the title a search on the Tutorial section so the user can see if the topic was already covered and hopefully they would just add to that specific post if needed, instead of making a whole new post. I would also, be cautious of any sort of incentivization that makes it like a contest, this might encourage duplicate tutorials or poorly written ones; that said I do think a badge could be cool. Another call out would be to build something like an archive for out of data tutorials, if enough people vote that a tutorial is out of date it would be archived so we are not confusing new users. The issue with documentation is that is has to be maintained and no one likes documentation (or does it) so I think this would be critical in keeping the tutorial section clean. This system would allow some sort of community regulation and to prevent abuse maybe when the post is flagged X number of times it gets sent to mods for review before being archived; ideally this would keep the management time spent on it small so it's not pulling resources from other more important things. 1 Quote
Dylan Posted December 21, 2024 Posted December 21, 2024 @PenguinKing - Your handle and cogent approach to thread management speak volumes. Tagging @Mawson 1 Quote
Mobius Posted December 21, 2024 Author Posted December 21, 2024 I think a system similar to github would be nice where before reporting a bug or requesting a feature you need to fill out a questionnaire with things like, yes i searched for this first. Quote
Mawson Posted December 22, 2024 Posted December 22, 2024 @Mobius, @Theo, @PenguinKing, @Dylan, @jonp I love this idea! Things like this are what make a community great. I agree that a separate sub-forum would be ideal. Possibly 'Support > Guides and Tutorials'. EDIT: All right gents! The wheels are in motion! 3 1 Quote
Dylan Posted December 22, 2024 Posted December 22, 2024 I told you you this guy ^^^ is a thread ninja! Thank you @Mawson this is logical, relevant and super helpful! 1 1 Quote
Theo Posted December 31, 2024 Posted December 31, 2024 Created a ARR guide, will try to create Prowlarr & SAB NZB one's next. @Mawson one to add the the DIRECTORY OF GUIDES 2 minutes ago, Theo said: Hello Hex Community 👋🏻 Here's a rough guide to install the Arr suite using the truenas UI until One-Click install options are available, starting with Radarr + Sonarr. If you're new to the world of the Arr's, check out the Servarr Wiki HERE for more information. this guide is made to the best of my knowledge, so if anyone has comments or suggestions, please add them to the thread below. This Guide won't cover; Installing download clients - Separate guide Prowlarr - separate guide Lidarr, readarr + the other one - Should be the same but change locations. Usenet or torrenting - Use google Condoning piracy - this is purely educational for automating linux iso downloads, pinky promise! 👀 Installation Prerequisites; Have Plex installed in Hex - Ensures existing media Folders created for simpler setup, but an always run Plex on another device after, we just want the folders. This guide will only cover linking the Arr's to the Plex folders, for other locations, you'll have to use your own paths. If you're transferring an existing install of Radarr/Sonarr, create a backup now. System > Backup > Backup now > Download backup. App install location - Optional I personally had issues with the auto created IX Systems app install folders for the apps, they sometimes failed to mount. so i manually installed the apps in folders i created in the Applications folder created by Plex/Hex already. YMMV, but including the instructions here for those who wish to do the same. Additionally, Unsure if this will help / confuse Hex when then natively add ARR support in the future, but it follows the principles of the existing Plex install. Open the TrueNas UI and navigate to datasets. In the pool where Hex has created the applications folder create 2 new data sets inside applications, and Sub data sets respectively, named: sonarr config radarr config prowlarr config Keep the top level folder as Root permissions, But change the config data sets to App permissions Permissions > Edit Change user >> apps Change group >> Apps (may auto change to 568, this is ok) Check apply user + apply groups > Save Repeat for the other config data sets. Install - Radarr + Sonarr If not already, open up the truenas UI (Server IP) Login: truenas_admin password: [whatever you entered during server install] Navigate to Apps Discover apps > type sonarr / radarr > click on the app > then click install >>> Keep name, version, Timezone (unless incorrect) & instance name the same. User & groups keep the same network configuration keep as default (only change if existing conflicts, though unlikely for most users) Storage Config Here is were we choose the install locations + set up the media locations Config storage - either keep the IXVoume as default OR now is where you change the the folders we created earlier. If Yes > change to host path, then select the config folder inside the Sonarr/radarr app folder. Now click add additional storage Then change type > host path Mount path > /[As default put the chosen folder name] i.e /movies The / IS required. Host path > Select the high level movies / shows paths created by Plex Do the same, but now add the Media folder. Why? I chose to setup my download client to download into /Media/Downloads/Incomplete Then it moves them to /Media/Downloads/complete where then either sonarr or radarr will automatically move the files into movies OR shows. You can choose another download location, BUT ensure sonarr / radarr have access to this location or the the Arr's wont be able to automatically move the files. Resource configuration > keep default unless more is required, but shouldn't be necessary. Then click Install! Now, Repeat the above for the other Arr's with the respective locations. Radarr should have Media + Movies Sonarr should have Media + Shows The apps should finish installing & deploy App Setup - Radarr + Sonarr For more detailed setup guides use the Wiki's here for Sonarr + Radarr If you're moving from an existing install, now is when you should navigate to System > Backup > Restore backup Obviously, you would at this point either have to move all media to the new root file OR just keep both and set the hex movies / shows root folder as the new default location. If this is your first time, open the apps from either the Hex or truenas UI, where you'll be prompted to setup login credentials. Once complete you can now follow the aforementioned guides to get setup with Indexers & Download clients. Happy Sailing ⛵️ 1 Quote
Theo Posted January 2 Posted January 2 SABnzb guide added now @Dylan & @Mawson 2 minutes ago, Theo said: Hello Hex Community 👋🏻 Here's a rough guide to install SABnzbd using the truenas UI until One-Click install options are available. If you're unsure what a newsreader is, feel free to go down the rabbit hole in r/usenet This Guide won't cover; Radarr or Sonarr - Use This Guide What is usenet / how to use it - Again r/usenet Condoning piracy - This is purely educational for downloading linux iso's Installation Prerequisites; Have Plex installed in Hex - Ensures existing media Folders created for simpler setup, but can always run Plex on another device after, we just want the folders. If you're transferring an existing install of NZB SAB, create a backup now. Settings > General > Backup > Create Backup > Download backup. App install location - Optional For those who wish to mirror the Applications folder structure created by Hex already, this guide follows the same principles of the existing Plex install. Open the TrueNas UI and navigate to datasets. In the pool where Hex has created the applications folder create 2 new data sets inside applications, and Sub data sets respectively, named: sabnzbd config Keep the top level folder as Root permissions, But change the config data sets to App permissions Permissions > Edit Change user >> apps Change group >> Apps (may auto change to 568, this is ok) Check apply user + apply groups > Save Repeat for the other config data sets. Install - SABnzbd If not already, open up the truenas UI (Server IP) Login: truenas_admin password: [whatever you entered during server install] Navigate to Apps Discover apps > type sabnzbd > click on the app > then click install >>>> Keep name, version, Timezone (unless incorrect) & instance name the same. User & groups keep the same network configuration keep as default (only change if existing conflicts, though unlikely for most users) Storage Config Here is were we choose the install locations + set up the download location Config storage - either keep the IXVoume as default OR now is where you change the the folders we created earlier. If Yes > change to host path, then select the config folder inside the sabnzbd app folder. Now click add additional storage Here we'll add where the downloads will go Change type > host path Mount path > /[As default put the chosen folder name] i.e /media The / IS required. Host path > Select the place you want your downloads, by default i used the media file created by Plex for simplicity. FYI This won't be the final download destination assuming you'll use Radarr & Sonarr. These apps will transfer completed downloads to your designated movies / shows folders ect. Don't worry about incomplete / complete / category folders, these will get created when we setup the app. Resource configuration > keep default unless more is required, but shouldn't be necessary. Then click Install! SABnzbd - Setup Open the app from either the Hex or truenas UI If you're moving from an existing install, now is when you should restore backup. If this is your first time, Complete the startup wizard, entering your newshoster details etc, Once in the app, we now want to configure our download location. Navigate to settings > Folders Assuming you have also opted to use the media folder for downloads, change these destinations paths. Temporary download folder = /media/Downloads/incomplete Completed download folder = /media/Downloads/complete These folders will be created automatically inside a new 'Downloads' folder once saved. Now copy your api key from General > security, and use this to connect to your new download to the Arr's Complete any final setup items, such as additional servers, download speed limits etc. Note, if first time using SABnzbd, not recommended to do any changes to sorting / categories, all of this will / should be handled by the Arr's. That's it, you should now be fully setup. Enjoy downloading your Linux Iso's ⛵️ 1 Quote
Dylan Posted January 2 Posted January 2 Thanks @Theo - Really do appreciate your contributions!! Beers are on me next time I see you! 1 Quote
Theo Posted January 2 Posted January 2 Prowlarr too Just now, Theo said: Hello Hex Community 👋🏻 Here's a rough guide to install Prowlarr using the truenas UI until One-Click install options are available. If you're new to the world of the Arr's, check out the Servarr Wiki HERE for more information. This Guide won't cover; Installing download clients - Guide Here Radarr + Sonarr - Guide Here Condoning piracy - This is purely educational for automating your linux iso's index management. Installation Prerequisites; If you're transferring an existing install of Prowlarr, create a backup now. System > backup > Backup Now > Download backup. App install location - Optional For those who wish to mirror the Applications folder structure created by Hex already, this guide follows the same principles of the existing Plex install. Open the TrueNas UI and navigate to datasets. In the pool where Hex has created the applications folder create 2 new data sets inside applications, and Sub data sets respectively, named: prowlarr config Keep the top level folder as Root permissions, But change the config data sets to App permissions Permissions > Edit Change user >> apps Change group >> Apps (may auto change to 568, this is ok) Check apply user + apply groups > Save Repeat for the other config data sets. Prowlarr - Install If not already, open up the truenas UI (Server IP) Login: truenas_admin password: [whatever you entered during server install] Navigate to Apps Discover apps > type prowlarr > click on the app > then click install Keep name, version, Timezone (unless incorrect) & instance name the same. User & groups keep the same network configuration keep as default (only change if existing conflicts, though unlikely for most users) Storage Config Here is were we choose the install locations. Config storage - either keep the IXVoume as default OR now is where you change the the folders we created earlier. If Yes > change to host path, then select the config folder inside the prowlarr app folder. Resource configuration > keep default unless more is required, but shouldn't be necessary. Then click Install! App Setup For more detailed setup guides use the Wiki's HERE If you're moving from an existing install, now is when you should navigate to System > Backup > Restore backup If this is your first time, open the app from either the Hex or truenas UI, where you'll be prompted to setup login credentials. Once complete you can now follow the aforementioned guides to get setup with Indexers & connecting to the other Arr's Happy Sailing ⛵ Quote
Dylan Posted January 2 Posted January 2 5 minutes ago, Theo said: Prowlarr too All of the guides posted here have been posted in the DIrectory of Guides. 1 Quote
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