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  1. That's correct, if you follow the instructions in this tread should also work for you if I had to take a wild guess.
  2. Great write up!!! My only comment is I'm still using User 568 with my Plex install and getting HW transcodes to work with my IntelArc card which I believe uses the same drivers. I think the fix ends up being installing plex with the Data and Config storage as IxVolumes, this I assume gives some different permissions to truenas compared to a user created folder that is created during the HexOs install. Either way if people can follow your steps and it still works that's awesome!!! And at least gets people running and not pulling their hair out for days like I know many of us have!
  3. Honestly wish I was more help, new to this whole hexos/truenas thing... it is 100% working, plex shows HW in the dashboard when transcoding and CPU usage doesn't jump with 6 transcoded 4k streams going. As to what I did... I tried installing plex through Hexos, which made the folders and stuff for me, but transcoding didn't work despite showing the GPU, ended up uninstalling plex, and reinstalling via truenas using the default save paths that Hexos did, that also didn't work. I then uninstalled again and installed using truenas default install paths, and just adding the paths for my movie storage. Then the transcoding started working fine. I'm sure it's some permission issue in the background somewhere, but I couldn't figure it out but this worked for me. Your mileage may very lol
  4. I do have an intel A380 working with Plex, I ended up having to do the plex install in Truenas instead of Hexos and fight for a bit... but was able to get HW decoding going.
  5. I'm sure as just a dummy switch it would work on it's own, all the added functionality of being a smart switch would be out the window without either hosting the Ubiquiti software on your computer (I did this with a few of their access points before finally getting a unifi gateway) or buying one of their other methods of having the unifi software running. So yes and no...
  6. Yeah that's a big one for me since kind of locked into which you choose, planning on a Dell R730xd with 12 3.5" drives, so a single parity drive is kinda rough.
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