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Everything posted by Manydemons

  1. I definitely had a windows share on wifi at one point. I really don't like the idea of going back to those days. If you can't do wired look into power line or coax line stuff. For a server in particular hardline is not just a preference for me but a requirement. Making everything slower and less reliable gets really old when you're moving large files, or running virtual machines.
  2. Currently in use Antec P101 case Asrock atx board used don't know the model 9600k stock cooler nothing fancy Dual 2.5gb network card (had it on hand using 1) 600w EVGA power supply 1tb nvme drive (had it used it for os because I'm impatient 😅) 3x 6tb drives (yup had em) 1x 256gb sata SSD (had it don't trust it but I'll use it) Inbound 2x 256gb sata SSDs 1x 4 port hba Maybe some day More 6tb drives GPU for passthrough on a virtual machine if it turns out virtualization is a viable gaming setup. Probably not migrating Plex unless a lot of other services are at one click install status as well. Have a working setup right now and I'll definitely tear it apart if it makes sense but right now I'm just glad to have my old junk doing things for me.
  3. Is there a way to contribute to the codebase? I'm sure we have quite a lot of talent surfing the forum, probably a lot of them are familiar with truenas as well. Is there a development plan for an app creation tool? If that's not a thing I'm good with that just curious. Can hardly wait for my invite. Got a pair of licenses that at least one of is ready to get put to use!
  4. Would love that! Currently have some of my services running on Windows because I wasn't confident they were actually behind a VPN on Linux. And let me tell you, I hate rebooting Windows every week or so and re launching all those services.
  5. Depends I'd say. Absolutely any ryzen CPU is a fantastic backbone I ran Plex on a 3600 non x for some time with no major issues. However if you're going to buy hardware any Intel processor with integrated graphics will support Plex much better than transcoding with raw CPU horsepower. Currently I don't think amd igpus are supported by Plex so tragically it is Intel's game there. Now if you have a board and the GPU it'd probably be cheaper to pick up a cheap ryzen CPU and go for broke. It should run very well right out of the gate and support your needs well. It'll be less power efficient with an added GPU but that's not a big problem really. If you're looking at boards and CPU combo's I'd highly suggest going Intel. Particularly 8th gen or later but obviously newer is better. Currently my Plex server is running on a ugreen nas and it is alder lake 12th gen igpu. I've had zero issues supporting lots of streams and I use about half as much power as my previous 9600k system. The other thing is last I heard Nvidia caps streams to make their quadro cards more desirable. Hope that is helpful.
  6. If you use hardware acceleration it's always easier but you need a license for Plex then.
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