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  1. How does TrueNas/HexOS handle cpu with p-cores and e-cores ? I have a 12600K I might want to use. Can I assign e-cores to the system, and p-cores to some VMs ? I'm also interested in the previous questions about 16GB boot drives, as I also have a 16BG Optane M10 drive that I could use. I found some posts on TrueNas that mention a 64GB or bigger boot drive is required to be able to create a swap partition on the boot drive, but I'm not sure if it replaces the 2GB swap per drive, or if it's additionnal swap, and I'm not sure of the performance impact. I also read about the possibility of moving the System Dataset to the boot pool, but not sure of the usefulness of that, or how bit that dataset is.
  2. Where did you find that info ? Is that a hard limit ? All I found is this in their FAQ : It seems to only be a recommendation for pool size, not a licence limitation. And if you have more than 12 drives you should be able to just create another pool.
  3. Hello, I'm contemplating buying a lifetime licence, but before that I have some questions Sorry if answers are already available elsewhere HexOS is currently based on TrueNAS Scale 24.10. When 25.04 and future versions are available, will we be able to update TrueNAS directly, or do we need to wait for HexOS to be updated first ? If so, how long do you expect before HexOS gets updated ? Can we just remove HexOS to revert to vanilla TrueNAS, or would that require a fresh install ? Can some settings be exported to that fresh install to not start from scratch ? You mention we can always use the TrueNAS UI instead of HexOS UI. Is there a risk that changing settings directly on TrueNAS breaks things in HexOS configuration, or vice versa ? At first, I thought HexOS would only be a new user friendly GUI on top of TrueNAS Scale, but it seems you also plan to add new features. I have no experience with TrueNAS Scale, so I find it hard to understand what exactly is new from HexOS. From your 1.0 roadmap for example, how much is new added features that were not possible on TrueNAS, and how much is improved UI/UX or ease of use ? You currently list two apps, Immich and Plex. Do we still have access to Official/Community Apps from TrueNAS ? Can there be a conflict between different sources for apps ? When available, will Local UI have feature parity with Command Deck to configure my local server, or will some settings still require to use the online version ? Any and all purchases are subject to a 30-day refund policy. Do the 30-day timer start at time of purchase, or when we receive our early access invite ? Thanks
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