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Everything posted by Dimitri

  1. I can see this working by integrating a registrar API and preferably having a working relationship with them. Adding and supporting functionality like this probably only makes sense for Eshtek if they add their own margin for buying/renewing domains. Remote access is a must for any NAS that targets regular consumers. Competing NAS products like Synology use subdomains. So I see that as a bare minimum functionality but the functionality as described by @Scyto is exactly the kind of thing that would make Hexos stand out among the rest. In the end, I think the target audience is not people without technical knowledge as they will not buy seperate hardware and software anyway if cheap(ish) all-in-one options like Synology or QNAP exist. The target audience I think is people with enough technical knowledge to have higher demands but not enough to actually do it themselves or do but dont want to spend all the time and effort to do it manually when Hexos can (o rather should) do it automagically.
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