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  1. Id love to see how many copies are out now, vs when after WAN. Would be a fun stat.
  2. Ah I gotcha. Debating a second myself, but want to check and verify its the right vibe.
  3. No worries, very Excited! I am under #100 so was hoping id be in first wave. Oh well though 🙂
  4. @Clixxi Hahaha...are you #2000?
  5. Hello, It was mentioned that the invitations for downloads will be sent weekly over the coming weeks/months. Are these invitations sent out in order of who bought first? So, if someone were to have order #5, would they be among the first people to get access to the download? Furthermore, since this is partially for load-balancing purposes and I assume to make managing incoming tickets easier, roughly how many people are getting access on the 29th, and so on? Excited to get access! Cheers!
  6. Hi, Just wanted to mention there is a stock, unedited page here: https://hub.hexos.com/articles.html/articles/welcome-to-pages-r1/
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