With Hex still being in its beta form, it doesn't allow me the flexibility of setup that I would like. So here is what I did (it is not ideal and I would not recommend it). I found an intel server platform (Intel S2600GZ) on facebook that had 3.5 bays rather than the 1U server I had previously that had 2.5 bays, limiting my storage capabilities. I migrated all my hardware over to the intel server and got things up and running. All drives are connected to a raid controller that I tried to set in HSB via CLI command but it is still running like a normal raid controller. For now I have set up everything in single volume raid 0 in the raid controller (which means I cannot redo this set up easily so everything is being duplicated to a small 2 bay NAS for continuity of data) to get OS to see them. Not ideal but it works for now until I can get an HSB and probably new Mobo as this intel platform doesn't seem to allow too much alteration from its original intent.
I have the main OS installed on a 100gb SSD
I have 3 x 10tb in raidz1 for my main pool for all our data needs
4 x 1tb in raidz1 for steam library (not ideal but wanted to see how Hex viewed an iscsi share)
1 x 2tb single mirror for my NVR via Shinobi
I have a 250gb and 500gb NVME drives that I am going to get pci boards for and set up as cache's for my main pool and the steam pool
Because of the single mirror Hex broke so I removed the server from the hub. I will have to wait until I can skip the erasure step when setting up the server as everything was set up via the Truenas UI and I have everything set up and working for now. Have immich, wireguard, nginx, netdata, uptime, unifi and a few other containers running. Everything is working great for now and am happy with my Hex ish set up. I am probably a little more advanced for what Hex was created but I am still a novice and setting up nginx and getting that going with ssl wasn't exactly easy especially when you are using an ISP provided modem (It was the only way not to have data caps).
Server is an Intel S2600GZ with dual E5-2620 and 128gb of ram with 3 x 10tb HDD, 4 x 1tb HDD, 1 x 2tb HDD, and 1 x 100gb SSD with room for expansion. Using onboard 1gb nics for now until I upgrade my switch to handle 2.5.