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Everything posted by defan24

  1. To be fair, it is working now, and the SD Cards was actually what I was looking for, but I couldn't find the USB adapters for them
  2. Uninstalled, reinstalled, had to reboot cause it thought the app was still installed And its Running! Gonna FAFO for a bit then head to bed and pick it up tommorrow Gonna see if the local E-Cycling center has a couple of SSDs or something that I can pick up on the cheap
  3. Came back, Install failed... odd... Log says it completed, maybe weird bug? Installed, didn't automaticlly start the app, and settings takes me to TrueNAS And it can't start the App Logs show that the app failed to install, see screenshot
  4. Wow, Resetting was Fast! It recognized the drives during setup, letting it recreate the pool from there Again, really fast, really smooth, really nice Storage pool shows up normally Trying out Immich, taking its sweet time, gonna make some food and come back
  5. Delving over to TrueNAS side to see, showing errors with the Pools, but the disks are healthy Trying to fix pool, but it looks like it created the pool on the disks but didn't make the disk? See attached screenshot Wiping the disks and trying again, Rebooting... Still not showing the Drives to make the pool Noticed that TrueNAS Scale didn't update after being installed, not sure if that's an issue or not Resetting HexOS
  6. Janky Storage solution - 2x USB Flash Drives, here goes nothing It lets me create a pool...and it works.... Now the system Health is saying that something isn't running normally (Shocker) Now the storage pool wants to show, but acting like it isn't. Weird Bug Rebooting... No Dice. System still showing issue with Health, but no details. See Attached Image
  7. Welp, I have to add a pool, time to scrap together something
  8. List of Apps in the order I'm gonna try them, Will do my best to remove configs from the previous apps as I go- Unifi Network Controller Immich, Wanna try to get HTTPS and full URL working, but I might have to do a Kemp L7 switch Minecraft Server(s) ZeroTier HandBreak qBittorrent TFTP Server, and Network booting with VMs Pi Hole Uptime Kuma and other Monitoring apps Other Media Apps Home Assistant WordPress 2FAuth WebDAV SFTPGo --- Edit - Most of these require do go through TrueNAS, which I still will, but I'll need to get another drive to test with, I'll do Immich for now since I wanna test it out
  9. Config Intel i5-4440S 4-cores, 3.3Ghz 8GB RAM DDR3 256GB SSD Boot drive, no other storage, possible to get more but would be somewhat of a hassle 1Gb Local networking, 600mbps WAN Connection
  10. Just starting this thread, gonna have it on my other screen while I try stuff out and documenting what I can while I'm going about it Setup was smooth, but I think the setup would have broken if the server was on a different VLAN, will test later. Follow along for more!
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