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  1. The thing is, ZFS allows just that! If you would have read the info I linked to in my previous post you would already know that you can access every snapshot individually because it is browsable. Hence you can find out to which point you want to restore the whole dataset as well. Additionally you can simply clone a snapshot state to a new dataset so the old dataset with all snapshots is preserved. You could then rename the original to [something]-old and rename the new one to the original name. All the functionality you require is there in ZFS. That is the point I am trying to make. It is all a question of breaking that out to the user. I know this is hard, but please take your time read the stuff others reply with. It is much easier to discuss about desired implementations then and the result is much more likely to reflect what you actually want. I took the time to write all this because I think at itโ€˜s core your request is valid and a good feature!
  2. It is not possible to use Time Machine on your iPhone so this is not what I request here. That is a question best asked to Apple ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Hey, can you explain a bit more what the problem is? I do not quite see it as HexOS is made for home users and claiming a server happens in private networks so there is not risk of anyone unknown claiming the server in the first place. Given this is a product for home users and not professionals a password is a good balance of security and usability in my opinion.
  4. Hey, the issue you are describing is not really present. Take a look at this explanation, all the information you are asking for is already present and accessible in the filesystem. Making it accessible to the user in a nice way is the only challenge here. Could be implemented in a similar way to Appleโ€˜s time machine historic view. If you have more questions feel free to ask! Hope this helps a little ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I like the idea, but an important thing to consider is that cloudflare tunnels are not made for transfering big files or streaming high bitrate videos. All traffic goes through cloudflare and costs them money. A solution like tailscale on the other hand facilitates peer to peer connections and all traffic after the initial connection building flows peer to peer. Here big files or streams are not a problem. Hence cloudflare tunnels are great for applications that are light on transfers but especially for more NAS media stuff it is just not suited. Hopes this gives some perspective ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Hey all, as the name implies I would like to see a simple checkbox to make folders available via nfs. As a bonus a list of IP ranges that are allowed to access the share would be perfect. The user mapping to the user owning the folder so that I do not need to care about permissions and just access the data via NFS could be handled automatically as a default. Please feel free to ask for clarification and to add your ideas below!
  7. Hey all, similar to what TrueNas offers out of the box as the multi-user Time Machine option, I would like to see Time Machine Backup support for macOS devices. This could be a special type of folder for that special purpose only where settings are locked in and only user access permissions can be set as with any other folder. Hope to see this implemented at some point together with a quick tutorial on how to set up the backup in macOS with automatic drive connection on system start and so on. Would make the whole process of setting it up very easy for everyone. That feature would make HexOS a real alternative to the mac mini as a home server for "all-in on apple" people. Please feel free to ask for clarification and add your ideas!
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