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Everything posted by kolin

  1. Thanks for the answer
  2. Does Hexos allow me to create encrypted folders and pools? I mean does it natively supports it or I need to switch to Truenas UI for this?
  3. Sonarr, Radarr, home assistant, frigate, transmission, some apps fore backups and cloud services sync
  4. I think hexos is based on Truenas scale, so it is must be like Linux distro
  5. kolin

    GPU Passthrough

    I think GPU passthru is a must feature not only for Plex
  6. kolin


    +1 from me
  7. Yeah also thinking about home assistant with frigate. Going to use it also as my survival station
  8. Have a question have many disks are supported per licence? For example if I have 12 hdd drives does licence allow to work with all of them?
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