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  1. I'm glad I could help. Of course, the US and Canada are full of regulations, etc., since they have federal taxes, local taxes, city taxes, and who knows how many others. Since you're starting a big venture, it's best to have someone who can not only keep you informed, but also take responsibility for their advice and decisions. This solution is a bit too expensive for me, so I need to have some idea of what's what, and I'm already hearing rumors that I might also pull the latest Casio scientific calculator out of any pocket I put my hand in. Also, be prepared, because it's almost certain that after reading all the regulations, you'll start questioning the meaning of life, the universe, and everything (and if it's 42, is it before or after taxes 😉). I hope that everything will be clear soon, and I will be able to buy a licence because as much as i love computers, automation, and all that good stuff I just don't have a time for another project, and could really use resonable, easy tu use NAS. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about all this EU tax naughtyness. I'll be glad to help if it's withing my range of knowledge.
  2. For 🐶 sake I forgot to mention it before - invoice need to contain data of a seller. At leas full name and address, better yet Tax Identification Number, in EU it is EU VAT number but I know that basically all countries use some system of TIN. Name of product should look like "Lifetime limited licence for HEXOS operating system, for 1 NAS server". Also if You are planning to sell to EU customers remember that end user is always paying Value Added TAX (VAT) that is somewhere between 17-24% of net price + import fees. For my love of myslef I cannot find rules about import fees, and how to classyfy software licences. On the other side of things if you are small business owner and have a proper invoice you can deduct whole VAT from your purchases and depending on country, and your income up to like 57% of net price of what you buy. So this invoice thign - really important.
  3. Hi, I wanted to buy one copy but there is no place to put in a company data, and without them it won't be recognized as a proper invoice, and as a self-employed I cannot do anything with it. To be exact I need a place for: Company name, Tax identification number ( as I live in EU, it will actually be VAT identification number). Also, I know it's a hassle to put this information on your site but all EU countries have the same rules, and it would be great if you can provide any information on how to deal with purchases from you. I've spent 3 hours before going to bed (like 12 hours ago) trying to find and understand what it means to purchase HEXOS. (like, how much more will I need to pay in taxes, tariffs, and whatnot, what documents do I need to be able to calculate taxes, and so on). I have found that I need before mentioned data on invoice, and then just lost consciousness over a keyboard. So I already missed the 99$ price, that for all my knowledge could have been 250, or some other random number higher than 99, after everything I would need to pay additionally to purchase price. Please be so kind and add info for EU customers to your site, and places for the appropriate data to the purchasing process and Invoice.
  4. Thing is, you still can sell your whole account in EU, with all games you have. And as this (HEXOS) is one piece of software, not a whole store with sht load of stuff, of many kinds purchasable - it will be rather clear cut situation. And it won't have to go to court to start rolling - there is also EU consumer protection agency with branches in every country, down to a municipality level representation ( like there is low level agent providing his services in city hall).
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