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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    GPU Passthrough

    The settings button in HexOS just dumps you into the truenas settings for plex. I am not sure if it did that before or not.
  2. Chris

    GPU Passthrough

    I tried the checkbox and would get some error so I googled it and this was the fix I came across. After that it was fine.
  3. Chris

    GPU Passthrough

    Here is how I got GPU passthru to work. First I logged into the trunas UI and went to System -> Shell Once in the shell I ran a command to find my gpu slot and uuid truenas_admin@YOUR-NAS[~]$ midclt call app.gpu_choices | jq { "PCI_SLOT_VALUE": { "vendor": "NVIDIA", "description": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960", "vendor_specific_config": { "uuid": "GPU_UUID" }, "pci_slot": "PCI_SLOT_VALUE" } } Then I ran a command to set those values in the plex app truenas_admin@YOUR-NAS[~]$ midclt call -job app.update plex '{"values": {"resources": {"gpus": {"use_all_gpus": false, "nvidia_gpu_selection": {"PCI_SLOT_VALUE": {"use_gpu": true, "uuid": "GPU_UUID"}}}}}}' SORRY I DID NOT CAPTURE THE OUTPUT
  4. I'm still awaiting my beta invite but once I get it should I wait to install once I have all my hardware or is it easy enough to add stuff as I get it? Does the install make some smart configuration decisions based on the hardware that it see's when it first installs? If yes does it alter that config as the hardware changes? Is there anything that really gets locked in at the initial install time? eg, I'm awaiting some new memory and a network card
  5. Does the Plex application enable GPU pass through? If yes is it complete or partial? Most importantly is it easy to setup?
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