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  1. It would be nice to be able to have SSO support. For example, LLDAP and OAuth2/OIDC would probably cover most of the people that would use SSO. I personally use Authentik which allows LDAP, OAuth2/OIDC, proxy provider, Radius, SAML, and SCIM.
  2. There are a decent number of users with 'Admin' within their usernames, This can be used to exploit other users of the forum in to mistaking that the individuals are a staff member. For security purposes, they should have their user/display name changed and use of 'admin' be blacklisted from usernames. This is especially true for "Admin", "Admins", and "superadmin".
  3. I submitted a report to your post so that it should be seen faster. This could be pretty bad,
  4. Also being discussed here:
  5. I'll just leave this here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/security-and-rules/account-security-two-factor-auth-r316/ My guess is the office people won't be in until Monday to enable this but I feel it is basically a must these days. +1 for passkey support as well.
  6. garlictoast


    Please enable 2FA support for accounts.
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