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  1. Just want to know if the feature backup the whole thing or can I let's say allocate only only one folder for example to safe on storage. For example: I have two servers and want both to have 10TB of usable storage. (Ignoring redundancy for a second) For that I need 20TB of storage on both servers. But maybe I just want to backup critical data like pictures for example. And I don't need to backup my movie library. Will it be possible to have a folder, partition, pool or what ever to only backup the things I want? Thank you.
  2. Bene

    Buddy Backup

    I am planning to to use HexOS as my own cloud and with a buddy Backup. I am wondering which Features are included in the lifetime license and what requires a subscription. I want my Nas at home and want to access it from outside. I want my data to be backuped at my friend's place. Will this be possible with the lifetime license?
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