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  1. Okay, for any future people who find this. The answer is go into your BIOS and check the Storage pane, chances are it's set to RAID, instead of AHCI. I found the answer on a reddit post with someone trying to install true nas and had the same problem.
  2. Any update other than having to buy an adapter to use a PCIE m.2 slot?
  3. Ah, Thank you very much both Sonic and Mobius. I had heard of ZFS before, but didnt realize that was different than raid. I just looked it up and read bit so I appreciate letting me know the difference. Thanks for letting me know the difference between Raid z1 and Raid z2 also. I hadnt really thought about electricity costs before, but great to think about now. I certainly had been planning on getting at least 3 drives as I wanted to ability to upgrade in the future. Thanks again!
  4. I realize this may be a dumb question, but I am a noob and trying to learn as this will be my first NAS, mostly for keeping family memorials and import docs safe, but also one day figuring out how to run a media server. I received and invite to Hex OS back in December, but with Christmas, new years and personal matters I am finally getting around to spec'ing out and buying the parts for my system, and have not even downloaded it. Are there options now to be able to choose which RAID configuration Hex will run? I remember watching several youtube videos around launch and it seemed like there were very few options on choosing RAID options? I am just now learning about RAID, but Ideally I think I am going with 3 or 4 drives and will probably be running RAID 5 or 6 from what I understand about them. I am trying to figure out what size HDDs I need to buy and want to make sure I have enough room for whatever the options are for Hex OS. Thanks in advance. Sorry if this is a simple question. This is all I had seen in some of the launch videos, but I wasnt sure what RAID those were.
  5. oh okay, yeah the one I had been looking at is then a full size 5050. So maybe I can fit 4 in there... in a non-standard way. ohh, The Ryzen is a cool one. Ill have to take a look. Thank you!
  6. Yeah, thats fantastic info. I wasnt too sure about the space either, but the MT seemed like more space than the SFF and the MFF. Ill have to see if I can find a full sized 5050, otherwise maybe Ill just have to get creative as I was hoping to have 4 HDDs, but at a minimum 3 would work I think. I need to double check my storage requirements and I know id like some redundancy. Thanks again! thats great information!
  7. Hello, I am an extreme noob at this. I have never built my own PC, and I am trying to learn the correct terms of things. So I apologize if I say something wrong. I am a tinkerer and have wanted a way to backup my families precious memories in a reliable and easy method. Other than the 4 random HDDs I have now of course. Also being able to store the movies I have now would be great and hopefully one day I can set up something like plex? Though I have never done that before either. I know I could buy an expensive system, but I have wanted to save money and gain the knowledge of not buying something pre-built for this. Plus it'd be fun. I found someone selling a Dell Optiplex 5050MT for fairly cheap and it seems like a great base to start with. It says it comes with Intel Core i5-7500 3.4GHz and 8GB RAM, so I know I will meet those specs for Hex OS requirements, though maybe I will get a tad more RAM as I do not want to just meet the minimum requirements. From what I have found it seems like it comes with 1 M.2 slot and 4 Sata ports.. or maybe 6? So I should be able to buy an SSD as a boot drive and then have some HDDs for my storage, which I think I connect through the SATA ports? I don't know anything about if they typically have wifi cards or not, but I assume most people are going to connect this via Ethernet anyways, I just thought wifi might be a good backup? or is that pointless? I also don't know anything about cooling, but I assume whatever the stock one has should be sufficient. Additionally I think from what I have found that they typically come with a 240W power supply. Is that enough to run 4-6 additional HDDs? According to Hardware Corner they say that the Optiplex 5050MT comes with the Q270 Chipset. What is a Q270 Chipset? I found on Puget Systems that the Q270 has 6 Sata connectors but on the diagram I attached seems to show only 4? Overall, is there something else I am missing? Is the Processor too weak? Would this make a good setup for Hex OS or should I be looking for something else? All input is appreciated. Thank you in advance. -Jonathan
  8. Dylan, you are spot on. I definitely feel like I am right on the edge. I do like tinkering though so I really do feel like I would rather build my own. Plus I don't like the idea of being vendor locked and it could be a great intro to building my own full PC from scratch one day. Also, I really appreciate the simple explanation of the NAS simply being a PC with a dedicated use. It makes it feel less complicated. Especially when looking at a vendor NAS setup. If someone has the time I have 2 quick questions if you could answer or point me in the right direction. 1. Are there any other things I should be wary of other than simply meeting minimum specs Hex OS posted? 2-core 64-bit CPU, 8GB of memory, 16GB+ SSD for boot 2. Can you point me toward a case or form factor I could start looking at or even one I should stay away from if I am looking at having probably 4 HDDs to start with and would like the option of adding some more in maybe 3-5 years time? I know there are ATX, Micro ATX and Mini ITX form factors, but i do not really know the difference for a NAS use case other than size. Thanks for your time.
  9. So if I were to look up guides, I assume I would be looking up how to build your own NAS?
  10. oh, I like it, though I dont really know specifics. I am looking for hardware myself, did you build this new or repurpose it from other sources? Also any idea on what your total cost ended up being?
  11. Hello all, First time NAS user here from what I assume is the flood from the LTT video. Setting up a NAS has always intimidated me and I have been excited about Hex ever since I heard LTT halfway mention it weeks ago. I am okay with no license yet as I do not yet have any hardware, but the LTT video and the sale was finally the kick in the butt I needed to try this NAS stuff for a reliable source of data backup for my families cherished photos/video and watching movies we own. I have never built my own PC before, but have been learning and feel like I could pull it off now, but honestly the software and making sure things are compatible has always intimidated more than hardware. That being said I am not looking to build anything new for this NAS setup, but I am looking to have a reliable build from an older PC with lots of expansion options. (Probably want to start with 3-4 4TB HDDs with potential for adding more 3-4 in several years.) Can anyone point me in the right direction for what kind of system I might want? I am not opposed to something like the LTT video, but I think I want to be able to add more storage easier? It seemed they could only have 2 HDD's and with that had to be "creative." Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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