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  1. yeah, I wouldn't mind being a beta tester as well.
  2. you can make a stripe pool in the Truenas Ui using Plex with that pool
  3. from what i seen yes.
  4. It doesn't matter the size it would just go off of the lowest-sized disk sacrificing the other 2s space for it
  5. to make it work you can go through the install than go into the TrueNAS webUI you are able to create a storage pool as well as install apps into that storage pool though HexOS does not recognize this storage pool.
  6. No problem man! if you have any other questions/issues feel free to reach out! Goodluck!
  7. Yeah, I tried Cloudflared though I had issues getting it connected. Tailscale worked pretty much out of the box.
  8. Immich works well with that. I had to use tail scale to tunnel into it but so far no issues.
  9. going along with that I am certain that through trueNas you can reimport the storage pool Although I don't know if it will detect in HexOS
  10. It is possible to sneak a drive underneath your drives and to the left-hand side of them, but if you have a backplate on it, it should be secure enough. if you cannot fit it under the drives 2 should fit next to each other on the left-hand side At least from what I see.
  11. if possible there might be some space near the PSU where you could zip tie those drives in it.
  12. How many SATA ports are on your Mobo?
  13. I would say it's worth it! though I recommend getting another 1TB HDD to set up a full storage pool with your other drive(2 if you want that redundancy) storage pools go off of the smallest drive sacrificing the bigger ones
  14. Nevermind. I got it lol
  15. So I got connected now my thing is I cannot find it via SMB. is there anything extra i need to do for that?
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