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Everything posted by michrech

  1. This was mentioned in another post. The TrueNAS UI username is "truenas_admin", and the password is the one you entered during the setup process.
  2. I'm going to be using a custom built system for my install. It's currently running TrueNAS Scale Erying motherboard with an ES 11'th gen laptop CPU (I have no idea which one it's supposed to be. I can only tell you it's got 8c/16t and runs at 2.2GHz 16GB DDR4 RAM LSI 9211-8i HBA (in IT mode) Six 6TB SATA disks Silverstone CS380 case This is actually my 'backup' storage server, and is what I'll be using for HexOS. 🙂
  3. The case I'm using (a Silverstone CS380) uses drive trays, and these trays have a nice flat spot on the front where I put some painters tape. I write the last few digits of the drive SN on that tape so I can identify the drives without having to power down / remove each one. 🙂
  4. If TrueNAS works with it, it'll work with HexOS.
  5. Haven't received a reply to the "Contact Us" message I sent, however, I do see my license now, and I did receive a "you can now log in" message. Great work, to whatever poor soul is spending their Saturday helping us poor internet strangers and our first world problems! 😄 lol
  6. Well, at least I have some company with this issue. 😉 I used the "Contact Us" link and sent a message. Hopefully after they put the server fire(s) out, they'll find the time to let me know what happened. lol
  7. Odd -- the forum forced me to create an account before it'd let me post (I suspected it'd make me do so, but expected that'd happen *before* it let me type out my entire post). I used exactly the same information (username, email address, etc), and this time I received an account verification email. Still no emails about the license purchase, though. 😞
  8. Not sure if my issue is due to LTT having sent a ton of traffic here (including me!) -- When I signed up / purchased the $99 lifetime license, I used Google's feature to add a "+" to an email address, followed by some extra text (in my case, "my.email.address+hexos@gmail.com" as an example). There have been a few places I've attempted to do this, but their systems rejected the "+" being in the email address right up front. I didn't receive an error when I attempted to do it here, but I've also not received any emails since my purchase (it's been 20 minutes, or so). No email verification emails, purchase receipt, etc. I see my card *did* get charged, so at least that part worked. 😉 Anything I should / need to do, or should I continue to wait a bit?
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