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  1. I have installed and claimed my license on a PC and wish to move the entire setup to a new PC and keep the existing raid setup on the new hardware so I don;t have to copy the 15TB of data over again. Is this possible and if so, procedure for doing so?
  2. +1 Tailscale.
  3. I realize HexOS has way more important things to do to get to the production version 1 but maybe add this to the 3rd tier list of feature requests: I really hate purple as the default color scheme in HexOS. A color pallet to change the purple icons and graphics to other colors would be nice.
  4. remyj


    Plus one more vote for Tailscale one click app.
  5. I too would like to see synchthing as a supported one click app.
  6. remyj


    I also totally agree. Nextcloud would be very high on the list of apps I would want in HexOS.
  7. I recently set up a Truenas server and it functions but I was wishing it had a more scripted set up for each aspect of it. There are many parts of Truenas I do not use as I am unsure of configuring those pieces. Looks like Hex OS will do that. My question is, will there be a migration process to convert a Truenas server to the Hex OS environment without losing my existing Truenas raid array? I really would not want to reformat the drives and have to copy the 14TB of data back over again.
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